<English follows>



これまでの知識では、チェンナイではDouble Rotiが最上のハンバーガーであろうと感じていたが、年甲斐もなく新店の開拓などに乗り出したのでここに記しておく。

Big Burger Theory

さて、Ciclo CaféがクラウドキッチンBig Burger Theoryをオープンしたとの事なので、Swigyにてその味を確かめた。看板メニュらしいClassic New York beef burgerは、パティの質ならばよろしくとも、鉄板の温度が充分でないがために、火入れが微妙で、肉が固くなり、アメリカンハンバーガーらしい香りが弱く、残念ながら「至高のハンバーガー」にたどり着くには、もうしばらく旅に出ないといけないよう。


Burger King

今やアメリカにはShake Shack、Five Guysなど数多のバーガー店がありますが、私の世代ではバーガーキングが最高峰でした。ビーフは無いと承知の上で、マトンワッパーに挑戦いたしましたが、やはりビーフの充足感には遠く及ばぬ様子。チキンワッパーとなると、更にいかがわしい出来映えでした。



Jonah's Bistro

市内にあるJonah's Bistroのインドコンチネンタルレストランはどうかと訪問するも、パティは適度に厚く粗挽きなれど、焼き加減は聞かれず、ウェルダンに仕上がっておりました。とはいえ、パティの出来は上記の2店舗よりは大分レベルが高い。ただ、バンズも焼かれぬまま供されたため、食する中にバンズがボロボロと崩れ落ち、Double Rotiには大分近づいたものの、評価は若干控えめにせざるを得ないところ。




Hard Rock Cafe

長らくの放浪の末、Double Rotiを超えるチェンナイ最高のハンバーガーと評すべきは、最近チェンナイに戻りたHard Rock Cafeのそれではないかと、ささやかながら結論づけざるを得ません。








For a gentleman, the burger is an indispensable prop as Yukio Mishima mentioned.

However, seeking "supreme American beef burger" in Chennai, heavily influenced by Hinduism, is an arduous endeavor.

Based on my previous knowledge, I felt that the Double Roti might be the best burger in Chennai, but I will document my reckless foray into exploring new establishments.


Big Burger Theory

Now, there are reports that Ciclo Café has opened the cloud kitchen Big Burger Theory, so let us ascertain its taste through Swiggy. The Classic New York beef burger boasts a decent patty quality, yet the cooking falls short as if the griddle temperature was inadequate, leaving the meat firm and lacking that quintessential American burger aroma. It appears I must venture forth again before attaining the "supreme American beef burger."


Burger King

While present-day America boasts numerous burger joints like Shake Shack and Five Guys, for my generation, Burger King was the best burger chain store. Aware of the absence of beef, I challenged the Mutton Whopper, but it paled in comparison to the satisfaction of beef. As for the Chicken Whopper, the less said, the better.

However, I must concede the deliciousness of the chicken wings and vow to return solely for their sake, which I shall document here.


Jonah's Bistro

As for the Indian-continental restaurant Jonah's Bistro in the city, upon visiting, the patties were suitably thick and coarsely ground, but the cooking was unasked for and well-done. The buns, too, were untoasted, crumbling unceremoniously as one ate, leaving me no choice but to temper my evaluation.

While the website's sentiments are well-understood, I cannot rate them highly until a truly delectable burger graces their counters. For now, it shall be kept on reserve.



Hard Rock Cafe

After the long journey, I must humbly conclude that the burger to surpass the Double Roti and be deemed Chennai's finest is the one from the recently returned Hard Rock Cafe.

The meat is exquisitely delicious, with a beautiful sear. Though ordered medium-rare, it arrived slightly rarer, yet examining the meat quality, there was no cause for concern.

Even the accompanying potatoes tasted as if they were from America.


While I have been engrossed in this pursuit of the American burger, I now find myself yearning, belatedly, to reunite with the modest, Showa-era-scented, Japanese-American burgers served in Yokohama and Atami—a desire, in Chennai, that may remain unfulfilled.