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インドからグローバル展開を試みているBLUE TOKAIのWebサイトを見てみると、CoffeeCapsulesという商品があり、ネスプレッソ互換のコーヒーポッドを販売しているのである。種類も4種類と意外と豊富である。

なお、この商品は日本のBLUE TOKAIのサイトでは販売していない。

(コーヒー豆含め、まだ日本で買えるBLUE TOKAI商品はまだまだ少ない)









コーヒー豆には美味しいものも多いので、是非BLUE TOKAIには、アルミ製カプセルを使用することを検討してもらいたい。







When it comes to a gentleman, coffee is indispensable.


Speaking of South India, it might be famous for filter coffee, but as a gentleman, one also desires espresso.


Certainly, there may be people who import fantastic espresso machines from Italy or France, but the most convenient option is Nespresso.


Now, here in India, particularly in Chennai, the available capsules for Nespresso from global brands are Nespresso, Starbucks, and LAVAZZA. If you're a Nespresso user, you've probably tried these, so I'll skip the details. However, in terms of taste, Nespresso is far superior to Starbucks and LAVAZZA, and the prices are Nespresso  > Starbucks > LAVAZZA . It's worth noting that LAVAZZA uses plastic capsules, which may pose challenges in maintaining quality, especially in India.


As someone living in India, it would be interesting to explore quality capsules from local Indian brands.

Checking the website of Blue TOKAI, a company attempting global expansion from India, I found a product called Coffee Capsules, offering Nespresso-compatible coffee pods with a surprising variety of four types. 


Upon promptly ordering and receiving the Coffee Capsules, the delivery culture well-established in India proves to be highly favourable.


However, these coffee pods are something I've never seen before – they are made of waterproof-treated paper. While it reflects India's environmental consideration, anyone living in India would know that Indian cardboard tends to carry some smell. This aroma, in reality, may make it challenging to fully appreciate delicate coffee.

Unfortunately, despite trying all varieties of coffee pods, I couldn't find a product that eliminates the disadvantage stemming from the material of the capsules.

Given the abundance of delicious coffee beans, I would strongly recommend Blue TOKAI to consider using aluminium capsules.


During this search, I discovered that some new Indian coffee brands on Amazon India are selling pods with aluminium capsules. These brands, which weren't visible one or two years ago, seem to have been initiated by Indians returning from U.S. .


The emergence of these new challengers is a unique and exciting aspect typical of emerging countries, don't you think?