<English follows>






ほどなくして、1996年に南インドの チェンナイで創立された靴メーカーAffan Shoes社を見つけたのである。



なお、彼らが生産するのは、グッドイヤーをメインに生産する BRIDLENブランド。

ホームページを訪れると、現代風でありながら、堅実な感じ。 https://bridlen.com/






























訪問フィッティングないし、トランクショー + オンライン販売というビジネスモデルは、



さてさて、少し話を戻すが、このBRIDLENブランドは、ラミスジャパンという日本の会社と、Affan Shoes の自社工場で共同開発および製造されるブランドでして、

このラミスジャパンは、Affan Shoesで、そのほかの以下のようなブランドも生産し、日本向けに販売しているようである。

・J.A.RAMIS:   スペインのMEERMINのセカンドブランド (日本でのみ販売)











-A gentleman need his leather shoes-


In terms of leather shoes, it's Northampton, UK. As a gentleman, it's non-negotiable.

I've heard that the French bread in Vietnam, which used to be under French rule, is delicious.

So, with a faint hope that there might be good shoemakers in India, I embarked on a journey to find a leather shoe manufacturer.

Before long, I discovered a shoe manufacturer called Affan Shoes, founded in Chennai, South India, in 1996.

However, it seems to be a relatively recent company. At least it was established after India's independence, so the scent of the long-established I was searching for is quite faint.

It's worth noting that they primarily produce the BRIDLEN brand, focusing on Goodyear welt construction.

When I visited their website, it had a modern yet reliable feel to it: https://bridlen.com/

Moreover, I was impressed by the fact that Japanese individuals are involved in this brand and their aspirations, leaving a positive impression on me.

As someone living in Chennai, it's only natural to be interested in a collaboration between Japan and India.

However, upon contacting them, I learned that they don't have a physical store and only sell their products online.

When I mentioned that it's difficult to buy shoes without trying them on, they offered to send fitting shoes.

On the appointed day, a middle-aged man, slightly disheveled, arrived with the shoes. He immediately started quarrelling, saying, "I got lost on the way here. Maybe I wrote down the address incorrectly." Although the delivery and Google Maps coordinates were correct, and I insisted that the mistake wasn't on my end, the situation was quite chaotic.

To be honest, the demo shoes were well-made. The leather was thick with a deep shine, and the craftsmanship was solid, from the upper's construction to the sole and welt. It would be considered within the price range of 50,000-70,000 yen in Japan.

However, the last shape felt somewhat clunky.

"As a country gentleman, this level of clunkiness might be necessary," I thought, but the price was 22,000 rupees, which is approximately 34,000 yen.

Considering that it's produced in India, at least when factoring in the logistics costs to Japan, it didn't seem appropriate for now.

(In my case, the price I'm willing to pay for buying British shoes in Northampton and buying the same shoes at a Japanese department store differs. Of course, everyone's sense of monetary value is different, so everyone will make their own judgments.)

Furthermore, in India, the walking environment is characterized by mud, soil, and water, so even if you have excellent shoes, the soles will quickly deteriorate. It's doubtful whether you can find a suitable shoemaker even if you try to resole them.

In that sense, McKay shoes might not be a bad option, priced at 7,200 rupees.

Unfortunately, it was very disappointing that the man who brought the shoes couldn't discuss them.

It's understandable that his English wasn't fluent.

However, it's unacceptable that the representative dispatched from the shoemaker couldn't talk about leather, manufacturing processes, the factory, or offer advice on fitting. I realized that he was just a "delivery person." Nevertheless, when I gave him a tip and said, "Don't get lost on your way back," he showed a smile that I hadn't seen throughout the fitting process. Still, it was a consistently inconsistent experience.

While I understand that the business model of visit fittings or trunk shows + online sales fits India's affluent class, if they can't value the only customer touchpoint, which is the fitting process, then what can be said?

Now, going back a little, this BRIDLEN brand is developed and manufactured in collaboration between a Japanese company called LAMIS JAPAN and Affan Shoes' in-house factory. LAMIS JAPAN also seems to produce and sell other brands for the Japanese market, such as J.A.RAMIS (a second brand of Spain's MEERMIN) and AMBUR TAJTAN.

Each brand has different price ranges, leather for uppers and soles, and stitching, providing various options depending on what you value. It's interesting to see that it has become a business targeting the Japanese market. Unfortunately, it seems that they haven't considered niche customers, such as India residents who want to support India and Japan, as their customer target.

I've rambled on for quite a bit, but even though I didn't make a purchase this time, it was a valuable learning experience.

Based on the Japan-India EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement), the import tariff rate for leather shoes from India has been 0% since April 2021. I sincerely hope that high-quality leather shoes manufactured in India will be accepted in the Japanese shoe market from now on.

At the same time, I also hope for improvements in their business model and the success of their business in India.