I have recently had a bad memory. I dont know why, but its getting worse.

Unfortunately, I lost many things today. I think it must be because of the lack of the memory.
I dont know where they are gone.

On my way home from San Francisco, in a train, I was thinking about....., actually depressed about what I lost.

When I realized the station I shouldve got off, I had already passed it. I was headed to South, which was opposite direction. I needed to go to North.

Unfortunately again, I missed the last train going to my town at a station which Im not familiar with.

Unfortunately again again, the station where I missed it was Oakland, which is the dangerous city. It has the third worst city in America. I mean it has fuckin high crime rate.

I asked a guy there how much it cost to go to Berkeley from there by taxi.

He said, its expensive. Fortunately, he also wanted to go to Berkeley. He was like he wanted to save money, so he was trying to take a bus.

I just went with him. He was an American guy, looked like Mark Hunt. But even for him, Oakland is scaring and dangerous.

We were looking for a bus. It was very late night, after 12am. There were crazy black guys and noisy cars with loud hiphop music.

Anyhow, maybe after one hour walking, we took a right bus.

I got home just now. Im so exhausted.

What I lost today(今日なくしたもの)

・Pencil case(筆箱)


・Frozen Udon 5pc(冷凍うどん5個)

・Salty fish something(イカの塩辛)

Son of a bitchだわー。