
Today's grandparents aren't content to sit in their rockers doing needlepoint or whittling wood - modern grandparents are healthy and active. Grandma may be traveling the world, writing a book, or taking dance lessons and Grandpa might be camping with the grandkids, playing a golf tournament, or skydiving! Nana may have entered the family by marrying Grampa later in life, or Pop-Pop may be a beloved family friend who's always there when someone needs him. Families are finding that the meaning of &quot grandparent&quot  has changed tremendously but that grandparents continue to be treasured members of our families. In this latest addition to the Chicken Soup family, children and grandchildren will relive memories of their parents and grandparents as they read stories of love, humor and wisdom. Each touching tale will inspire them to make the most of the time they still have together and encourage them to seek deeper experiences. Grandparents will learn the value of their contributions 