
Today&#8217 s pornography stimulates the brain like other addictive drugs and is hooking a generation. No one is immune&#8211 men, women, young, or old&#8211 to the destructive power of porn. It is waging war against a walk with Christ, a godly marriage (or future marriage), and is sidelining God&#8217 s people from Kingdom service.This book shows a path to true, lasting freedom with a biblical, clinical, and gospel-centered approach to recovery. You will learn the six roots of porn addiction and how to effectively address them. Before God&#8217 s truth sets us free, it changes us. And because it changes us, the freedom lasts. Whether you need to quit porn yourself or you want to be equipped to help others, this book is for you. What if addressing a great threat to the Church is also a great opportunity for revival and growth? We are seeing it happen, and if you apply the principles in this book, you can see it happen, too.In The Freedom Fight, you will learn &#8230 why a tsunami of 