
Today we are living longer than ever before, and a few of us can expect to live to 100 or more. But many people feel that they will inevitably suffer the diseases of old age in their final years. Pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars trying to find a cure for the &quot diseases of aging&quot &#8212 they may have found ways to stem some of the symptoms, but they have yet to find a panacea. Yet there are places in the world where, all along, people have commonly lived to 100 or more without suffering so much as a headache. How do they do it? The answer is simple: through sound dietary habits and balanced, healthy lifestyles. The 50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People looks at the nutrition and lifestyle mores of the world's five most remarkable longevity hotspots&#8212 Okinawa, Japan  Bama, China  Campodimele, Italy  Symi, Greece  and Hunza, Pakistan&#8212 and explains how we too can incorporate the wisdom of these people into our everyday lives. It offers 