
Today there is so much more competition for people's attention in the field of Pilates. In this book, you will discover a variety of teaching tools and ways to teach classes that ignite curiosity about movement.You will help them to value movement as more than a series of minutes, hours or repetitions before they can get to the next thing on their to-do list. Helping your clients take ownership of their movement choices outside of the studio is where the real value is in any form of movement teaching.When you are teaching others, you are doing something that MATTERS. You are contributing positively to all areas of their lives.I can&#8217 t wait to share this adventure with you.TestimonialsTania, I often get asked which Pilates trainer I recommend. Of course, I always say Tania Huddart because you taught me how to teach, not just what to teach. Catherine EddyYou helped me transform the way I teach by providing a framework and structure to work with. Previously, I didn&#8217 t have 