
Today there are 77 million Baby Boomers living in the US, meaning 10,000 people will be turning 65 years old every day. Currently, most Boomers aren&#8217 t in assisted living...yet. However, they will be moving into senior housing in droves over the next couple of decades. Add to this the increasing numbers of Boomers' parents already making this transition.  With limited resources available at this time, planning for assisted living can be overwhelming for those who are making difficult choices for their loved ones (or themselves). These choices have only been complicated and made more urgent by the COVID-19 pandemic. Contrary to popular belief, retirement homes are not the only option for our population&#8217 s aging members anymore. Adult Family Homes designed to allow senior citizens to live mostly independently with access to a variety of amenities, provide an alternative for individuals or couples who can no longer safely live on their own but don&#8217 t want to relegate 