英語コーチとの出会い | 自分が嫌いな人生から「わたしだからいい!」と言える静かな自信のある人生へ




I work for an insurance company which is located on 26th Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan.

There is no Japanese division, so I don't see any Japanese people in my building.

In that kind of environment, I don't get to be praised for my English speaking ability because it is normal to communicate in English, and I don't stand out among Americans when I speak English because it is very close to what they speak and hear every day.

I am a Japanese who was born and raised in Japan.

English is not my native language, however, some people don't even know that I was not born or raised in the U.S.. I sometimes have to explain it.

I never thought that my English was my strength because, think about it, I am surrounded by the people who have been speaking it their entire lives!

When niece had her wedding this summer, I went back to Japan with my boyfriend and introduce him to my family. It was a wonderful wedding, and the entire family enjoyed each other's company very much.

The only Japanese words that my boyfriends can say are "Konichiwa" (コニチワ)

My family don't speak much English. I was a translator during our entire stay.

This experience made me realized how advanced my English speaking ability was.

Because I have been thinking about having my own business which allows me to travel between Japan and the U.S., an idea came in to my mind;

"I might be able to teach English pronunciation or something..."

By a total coincident, I encountered a word "英語コーチ" in Google!

It was so perfect!

I sent an email to the company who certify people to become a 英語コーチ.

They responded back right away. I was so excited!

That was the end of August. I am currently in training to become a 英語コーチ.

I believe that my other training to become a professional coach in the U.S. will help my new career.

I have my experience in living abroad, ability to speak English like a native speaker, and coaching training.

I am very excited about my new endeavor!








