
無添加 砂糖不使用 ソイデーツ
Additive-free, sugar-free Soy Dates
It is a popular product like a hidden character, and it is such a delicious product that some people buy it for themselves instead of their dog.
I sprinkled soybean flour on the dates (date palms). It has a nostalgic taste and feels like a kinako stick!
Both dates and soybean flour are rich in dietary fiber and also active in the intestines, and it also plays a role in strengthening bones and increasing bone density. I'm glad that it's not only delicious, such as cardiovascular support and improving immunity, but also good for the body.
#元気のたね  #芦屋 #芦屋市 #kfvfruit #genkinotane #ナッツ専門店 #ドライフルーツ専門店 #ナッツ #ドライフルーツ #犬 #犬好き #トイプードル #toypoodle #poodle #japan #狗 #狗零食 #玩具贵宾犬 #爱狗人士 #犬のおやつ #無添加