75. 格差 : Difference between have and not-have | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts









”その男の子は視力検査の結果をゴミ箱に捨てました。母親にメガネを買うお金の負担をさせたくないという理由からでした。 その男の子はトラック運転士をする母親と2人で暮らしている”とある教員の告白にありました。この豊かな時代にそのような境遇の子供がいることを知り、とても悲しく、無力感に苛まれます。しかし、その男の子の母親を思う優しさが救いです。どのような境遇でも、前向きに気高く生きてください。合掌



One day, the samurai told to his son that he who became his left body handicapped had a twin younger sister. And the family which adopted the younger sister was extremely poor so that she was sold and was down with an illness and died at age of 17 years. His son shed tears quietly. He confessed that he had no strong intention to defy a mother without worrying about people around him because they were not rich to brings up a twin child.



The samurai showed his son a letter from his daughter in which her gratitude was written. And even in her circumstances like a hell she learned the launguage, and sent the letter which made my parents relieved to live. His daughter reported the gentleness to her parents who can't meet without bearing a grudge against her parents. Daughter's letter got wet with his son's tear.



Everyone was poor when a chouisai teacher lived 650 years ago. Many people were also very poor after the world war II when I grew up. But I knew 1 out of 6 children was extremely poor in Japan of this abundant now. It's a big surprise to me.



" The boy abandoned a result of the eyesight test in a trash can. It was from the reason that I don't want to make a mother bear the money which buys glasses. The boy lives with his mother who is a lorry driver, it was in confession of the teacher. Very sadly, I know that there is a child of such circumstances at this abundant time and I can do nothing. But his gentleness for his mother is a help. Please live nobly and positively even in tough circumstances. Gosho!





Mirokubosatsu Buddha hand-carved by Misao Katori