Candle | 大村あつしオフィシャルブログ「ボクは不死鳥」Powered by Ameba






I am holding a candle.

You are holding a candle, too.

When my candle is lit,

I would not hesitate to light other people’s candles with mine.

Why not ? Because, my candle will stay lit, even after I share my light.

It will not be shortened either.

Happiness and success in life,

Is the same concept as the candle, I would think.

Hi everyone,
I'm Ash Omurah.

Dr. Maslow said, “There are five levels of human needs.” According to the Dr. Maslow, “Self-Actualization” is the last level of the hierarchy.

Is it really so?

People who reached my age often start to think, “What can I leave for the next generation?”

In that sense, shouldn't it actually be "six levels of human needs,” whereas the last and the most desirable one being “Social Contribution”?

I am currently pursuing a big challenge of making my novel bestsellers around the world.

This is certainly for my “Self-Actualization.”

However, as Dr. Maslow pointed out, in order for us to reach the higher level of the hierarchy, the lower level of my needs are to be fulfilled first.

We must achieve the step of “Self-Actualization” before fulfilling the last step of “Social Contribution” in the hierarchy of needs. In reality, there are many individuals who are trying to fulfill the last step after achieving the Self-Actualization. Among those, the most famous one I think is Bill Gates, the co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation. He achieved his historic “Self-Actualization” goal of “One Computer for One Person,” that is now known as “Personal Computer.” After achieving his self-actualization goal, his focus in life had shifted to social contribution.

That is to say, “making someone else happy” does not require an individual sacrifice of his/her own happiness, but rather, one can truly give happiness to others after he/she achieved his/her own happiness. This thought is reflected on the poem introduced in the beginning.

In Japan, as a writer, it is now almost impossible to make a living at the same level as an ordinary businessman. This is why I made a commitment to myself – I will publish my novel around the world, not only in Japan. Upon fulfillment of my self-actualization goal –publishing my novel around the world, I would then focus on my social contribution. I will give my support to achieving the world without slaves, for instance, by offering my help in Nepal and in Africa.

I would greatly appreciate your encouragement and support for my challenge.

I will also support your challenge as much as I can.

Ash Omurah

$大村あつしオフィシャルブログ「ボクは不死鳥」Powered by Ameba

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