childish students | 英会話ボイトレ@西麻布

childish students



S: 外国人スタッフさん、A: お客さん、K: 私

S: Student are also very childish. They behave like children. It's very hard for me. The way of thinking is completely different. 

K: Ah...

S: It's not only my impression but my friend from Germany is also complaining about that all the time.

K: Oh, Really.

S: During the class, for example, Japanese students keep talkig to each other all the time. I can't imagine such behavior in Euro. Because in Euro, the culture of the university is very strict. If you are not interested, you can just go away, go back home. That's what professors say. But not in Japan. They are too light. They don't study too much.

K: They are just coming to the university as an extension of a high school. They don't feel any responsibility about that. 

S: Yeah, that's true. They also don't have a discussion with professors. They just listen to the lecture and tell no opinions.

K: Yeah. They just go there because companies require them academic careers.

S: Yeah, exactly. Ridiculous. 

A: In Japanese companies, the most important thing is the loyalty to the company and no specific knowledge is required. 

K: They want students who can be easily brainwashed.

S: Yeah. They want to manipulate students who obey everything.






childish 子供っぽい
academic career 学歴
manipulate 操作する、操る
loyalty 忠誠心
obey 従う