anime, video games, and cosplay !! -92ページ目

Just a little more

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Ok so the red part 'a the sleeves is done :o On to the next part :O

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Ok so I had come up wit 1 of 2 ways to do this. At first I was gonna use the elastic as shown in the first picture but then the sleeves were too thick for the elastic because the fabric is really fluttery and stretchy. That ended up not working so I had to come up wit another plan fast and I figured meh I'll just sew another white piece around that area and just do it like that. It seems like it works for the most part.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

And part 2 is what I ended up going with ;p

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Now the sleeves come in at 2 points but since I don't wanna have to make another spot look awkward I figured, I'll just sew it inward instead. Only toward the end 'a the sleeve this works though because it would have been a total hassle if I had done it on the upper sleeve <,<

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

And thats what I got now. Just a few more details need to be added to this top, then I could start on the belt and after that the pants :O Unfortunately february is a pretty short month but I'll manage to get all this done and my other cosplay in due time.

Now we're getting somewhere

Still working on this top and believe me there's ALOT more to go but its coming along anyway so thats good.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

So I got the sleeves on finally.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Took the sleeves in a little because I have the elastic at my wrists and I have small wrists.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

These are the said elastics. I got 2 at my upper arm around my bicep area and 2 for my wrists. As you can see once again I have small wrists.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

I actually have 2 references, one where the red is more faint and one where the red is obvious. In the game the red was pretty obvious and even in the concept art the red showed more so I'm gonna work wit that. This will simply be to dress the sleeves a little more.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Tried to keep them matching up there but as you can see the red is a little obvious underneath so I'm gonna have to chop that a little as well and fold it back on the second time I sew it. Those red pieces actually measured up perfect come to think of it and that's a stretchy white fabric too :O

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Working on it xD I'll come back wit more next time.

to the sleeves !!

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Ok so I smoothed them out. They're very thick I might take them in after I get them both on but so far I don't know yet :o

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

I'll do the other side tomorrow morning.

moving right along

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Well that went along good, it got annoying hand sewing these things on after a while but I got it done as of right now.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Now I can move on to the sleeves

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

For the record I ended up having to take the top in a second time at the sleeves. That will leave one slip missing on the back but I can still sew it on at any time even though it'll be covered by the time I'm done.

hand sewing again

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Well I kept thinking maybe I should have just cut a few holes in and threaded the pieces of binding tape through but instead I sewed them on. It looks alot crappier, and its taking alot longer, but it'll "stay in place" alot better and thats what I'm looking for more then anything xD

It's coming along though :o

zomg finally <,< >,>

I feel like this top took me forever to complete the straps wit the way the fabric is and all <,< I ended up running out of the stuff and had to double up at the end.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

And that would be me doubling it up.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Yea that much took forever ... I wonder which side I should make be the front xD

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

I think I'll have this 4 point up here be the front. Truthfully I wasn't thinking much when I just threw it on the mannequin for show, but yea the 4 point will be the front.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Now here's the next step, I gotta get these things on here, Knowing how they're placed I'll end up having to hand sew them, but that should be a fairly low maintenance piece 'a work.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

This different in numbers here makes it feel asymmetrical -_= Oh well whatever comes of it I'm gonna make it look good regardless /heh When I finish this portion though, then I'll be off to the sleeves :O

aww man

didn't get much done today, I ran out 'a binding tape -____-

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

I would like to hopefully start on the sleeves once I'm done wit those :o

finally this is going somewhere

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

This is so the neckline looks clean, or the part the head goes through whatever you call it :O

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Would you believe it took me a half an hour just to cut these.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Ya know this binding tape came in alot better handy then I thought it would. Why I didn't use it before is beyond me. Usually I take fabric and make binding that way like I did around the neckline but this is soo much smoother and whatnot.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Thats one sewed on, although I really shouldn't have pre cut them because now I'm gonna have to jump around instead of doing one after the other.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

See now this is on the other side for that reason.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

The two on the end are the most thick so I wanted to really get those done before I did anything more.

I think I'm gonna need more binding tape xD

a process it seems

Ok so now its the first of the month and I dive into working on Larsa. The top seems like its not much of a challenge but I'll find that out as I go along. I'm going to make 2 shirts and make the cuts and this that and the third but now I'm at the beginning of everything but all is planned out in my head.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Ok so I've made this about the lenth of a tunic and the grey thats going over it will be about the same if not a little longer since it'll be belted.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

just making those sleeves a little smoother.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Gotta line it up and see where it measures

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Just a slight bit longer as I said.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Now I put the grey shirt over the red shirt and pinned up all the openings and will sew them.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

The opening for the head will have white go around it just to give it a clean look. but as you can see I already got down the right sleeve in terms of sewing them together ;p

head start

First I'm gonna start off by saying that at this time I have nothing that can be done wit my shirley cosplay since I need to get panty hose in white still. Apparently those are hard to find and as you might could see I'm not much of a panty hose type woman, but I'll further the hunt regardless. Another thing I have to get regarding this cosplay still is a head band, and 3 navy blue roses. And of course I need a wig which is another thing I'll look into ;p

Continuing on I decided to get a head start on Larsa's top today.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

There is red and grey for this base here, the grey will be on top and cut down and all that jazz but so far I will deal wit the red first.

crafts, cosplay, and eccentricism

Thats all I got done today X_x All that cutting should put me ahead for tomorrow though :D