



Das Skalensystem
durch alle Dur und Moll Tonarten
für das tägliche Studium
Ein Anhang yum I.Bande von
"Die Kunst des Violinspiels"

付録 yum I.Bande von

I hesitated considerably before deciding upon publication of the Scalesystem transposed to all keys, because thus far I have been opposed to the superabundance of editions devoted to material of this order, which were rarely based upon any original idea, and generally as alike as two peas.


In Book One of my"Art of Violin Playing" I had presented a compilation of Scale and Broken Chords under the heading, "The System of Scales", Which I was prepared to believe was a significant innovation.
私の著書「ヴァイオリン演奏の芸術」の第 1 巻では、「スケールのシステム」という見出しでスケールと分散和音の集大成を紹介しましたが、これは重要な革新であると信じていました。

I endeavored to conduct the daily study of rigid, general technical formulas along regulated systematic paths, in order to prevent the pupil from favoring one variety in preference to another, in other words, tocompel fim to divide his study period eqally between the usual and most necessary technical combinations.

A second consideration was to bring to the attention of our present generation the fluent methods of the classic French school for the playing of scale sequences in double stops.
2 つ目の考慮事項は、ダブルストップでの音階シーケンスの演奏に関する古典的なフランス流派の流暢な手法を現代の人々に知ってもらうことでした。

Long years of practical experience have strengthened my conviction that the System of Scales, in consequence of its universal and concise from provides amethod of practise, beneficial not only for technical development in general but also for the saving of considerable time- this, however, with a decided proviso- that the student will change the scale every day, and in this way gradually transpose the fundamental type into all keys.

Owing to lack of space, however, I was obliged to publish the System of Scales only in C Major (in form of a model) and leave it to the student to do the transposing himself.
Three years have now passed since original publication of Book I. of

I am using here the word "system" in want of abetter one and against my inclination. It is merely meant to denote a practically tested form and not by any means arigid unelastic method of practising, which is always inimical to genuine artistic delivery. The prerequisite of true artistry is the entire freedom from and every kind of "Systems".

第 1 巻の初版出版から 3 年が経ちました。


Three years have now passed since original publication of Book I. of my Work in German, and one to two years since its appearance in English, Dutch and Italian(a French edition is in press).  During this time I have had plentiful opportunity to judge of the practical usefulness of the System of Scales, and guided by my own observations, as well as reports from other quarters, I must admit (not without acertain amount of perspnal deisappointment) that the majority of students shunned the extra exertion of tranposition and were satisfied to practise the System of Scales exclusively in C Major.
私の作品の第 1 巻がドイツ語で最初に出版されてから 3 年が経ち、英語、オランダ語、イタリア語 (フランス語版は印刷中) で出版されてから 1 ~ 2 年が経ちました。この間、私は音階体系の実用性を判断する機会を十分に得てきました。私自身の観察と他の方面からの報告に基づいて、(ある程度の個人的な失望はありましたが) 大多数の学生が移調の余分な労力を避け、音階体系をハ長調のみで練習することで満足していたことを認めざるを得ません。

It may readily be understood that through the limitation of one key, the practical usefulness of such daily studies is considerably diminished, and that any violinist, accustomed to practising the scales in twenty four keys, will have a decided advantage over the other, who concentrates exclusively upon C Major.
一つのキーに制限されることによって、このような日々の練習の実際的な有用性は大幅に減少し、24 のキーの音階を練習することに慣れているバイオリニストは、ハ長調のみに集中する他のバイオリニストよりも明らかに有利になることは容易に理解できるでしょう。

Therefore, yielding to numerous requests and overcoming my original opposition, I decided to publish the Scalesystem in all twenty four keys for the benefit of younger - and possibly some of the older - violinists as well.
そこで、数多くの要望に応え、当初の反対を乗り越えて、若いバイオリニスト、そしておそらく年配のバイオリニストのために、スケールシステムを 24 のキーすべてで出版することにしました。

In relation to executing the studies the following is to be observed:

1. The System of Scale provides exercises equally serviceable for intonation and facility. In the former case it is practised slowly, to allow of perfecting the intonation, in the latter case, rapidly.

2. The key must be change every day.

3. For the Minor Key Scales in Double stops, I have preferred the Harmonic to the Melodic form, as this variety, owing to the augmented seconds, is neglected as a rule. The simple Minor scales on the other hand have been added in Melodic form, while both varieties have been combined in the Scales in broken Thirds.

1. スケール システムは、イントネーションと弾きやすさの両方に役立つ練習を提供します。前者の場合は、イントネーションを完璧にするためにゆっくりと練習し、後者の場合は、素早く練習します。

2. キーは毎日変更する必要があります。

3. ダブル ストップのマイナー キー スケールについては、メロディック形式よりもハーモニック形式を好みました。このバリエーションは、増二度音階のため、通常は無視されるからです。一方、メロディック形式では単純なマイナー スケールが追加され、破三度のスケールでは両方のバリエーションが組み合わされています。

4. In order to use the time at one's disposal for the system of Scales to utmost advantage, I have combined the simple scales with bowing exercises. The same may also be used in like manner for the double stop combinations, in such simultaneously, but broken for instance:
4. スケールのシステムのために使える時間を最大限に活用するために、私は単純なスケールとボウイングの練習を組み合わせました。同じことを、例えば同時に、しかし分割して、ダブルストップの組み合わせにも同様に使用できます。

5. It is left to the student to add various nuances to the scales and chord progressions, as follows:
5. 音階やコード進行に、次のようにさまざまなニュアンスを加えるのは生徒の責任です。


6. At the end of each scale succession, I have added a few exercises in harmonics, for the reason, that many violinists neglect this form of technic and are likely to be embarrassed, if their repertoire should by chance force them to employ harmonics.

7. In order not to crowd the printed pages of this edition now appearing in five languages, to too great an extent, I have indicated the bowings only in German, in abbreviated form. Conse quently, Sp. means tip of bow, M.=middle, Fr.=nut, G.B.=whole bow, H.B.= half bow, Martelé, as well  spiccato are almost identical in sound in all the languages.

8. The succession of broken chords as introduced by Sevcik in his Violin Method has also been retainde by me in the System of Scales as the most practical compilation.

The valuable assistance rendered by Mr. Alfred Fink of Strassburg, in the preparation of this work, is herewith gratefully acknowledged.

6. 各音階の終わりに、私はハーモニクスの練習をいくつか加えました。これは、多くのヴァイオリニストがこの形式のテクニックを無視し、偶然にレパートリーでハーモニクスを使用せざるを得なくなった場合に困惑する可能性が高いためです。

7. 現在 5 か国語で出版されているこの版の印刷ページがあまりに混雑しないように、私はボウイングをドイツ語のみで省略形で示しました。したがって、Sp. は弓の先端、M. = 中間、Fr. = ナット、G.B. = 全弓、H.B. = 半弓、マルテレ、およびスピッカートはすべての言語でほぼ同じ音です。

8. セヴチックがヴァイオリン教本で導入した分散和音の連続も、最も実用的な編集として、私はスケール体系に残しました。
