〰Calla lily 〰 | 白鳥と猫とわたし



〰Calla lily 〰


The Language of Flowers

Magnificent beauty/Feminine modesty



The shabby chapel stands

At an isolated district.


Thick plaster walls are collapsed in places.

The tone of a bell sounds from an inclined tower.

We know that there is the religious life.


The other side of the rusted iron high gate door,

It is the sanctuary of sisters to serve for God.


We are able to get a glimpse of

A neat courtyard and a corridor.


I see that a young sister like an apprentice nun

Goes during arches between columns.


She wears a plain white dress

With a veil fluttering and

Walks with hurried steps in secret.


Surely she would become a saint

Serving admirability as like

A calla lily not vacillating.











URL http://www.uni-intel.org/