誇張しすぎた日本の服屋vs誇張しすぎたアメリカの服屋 | 北千住の英語専門塾 フレンズイングリッシュアカデミー2 BLOG

北千住の英語専門塾 フレンズイングリッシュアカデミー2 BLOG

北千住の英語専門塾 4才~高3対象 
FRIENDS English Academy 2




I will never forget the first time I bought something at a clothing store in Japan.  I was so surprised when the cashier walked out from behind the counter to hand me my bag and bow to me!  Have you ever been to a clothing store in America?  It is quite different!  This is "Exaggerated" but as you might expect, going to the register at a clothing store in America is a very different experience!