Kool & The Gang - Cherish With Lyrics 1985

Let's take a walk together
near the ocean shore /一緒に浜辺を歩こう
hand in hand
you and I./手を取り合って、きみとボク
Let's cherish ev'ry moment
we have been given/ボクらに与えられた時間を大切にしよう
for time is passing by./時は過ぎ行くものだから

I often pray before I lay
down by your side;/時にボクはきみのそばに横たわりたいって願ってるんだ
If you receive your calling before I awake/ボクが目を覚ます前にこの叫びを受け止めてくれたら
Could I make it through the night?/ボクはどう夜を過ごしていこうかな?

Cherish the love we have/ボクらの持っている愛を大切に
we should cherish the life we live/生きている命を大切にしなくちゃ
Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love./愛を、命を、愛を大切に
Cherish the love we have/ボクらの持っている愛を大切に
for as long as we both
shall live(みんなが持っている命と同じくらいに

Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love./愛を、命を、愛を大切に

The world is always changing/世界はいつも変化している
nothing stays the same/何も同じままではいない
But love was stand the test of time./でも愛は試練のときを乗り越えたんだ
The next life that we live
in remains to be seen/ここに形になって見える第2の人生
Will you be by my side?/一緒にそばに居てくれるかい?

I often pray before I lay
down by your side;/時にボクはきみのそばに横たわりたいって願ってるん)
If you receive your calling before I awake/ボクが目を覚ます前にこの叫びを受け止めてくれたら
Could I make it through the night?/ボクはどう夜を過ごしていこうかな?

Cherish the love we have
we should cherish the life
we live - baby yeah -
Cherish the love
cherish the life - oh yeah -
cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have -
while we're together -
For as long as we both shall
live - will you love me -
Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.

Cherish the love
cherish the life.
Cherish the love we have
we should cherish the life we live

Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have -
ev'ry night when I think
about you -
For as long as we both shall live -
I pray that my dream will come true
Cherish the love
cherish the life -
I do - cherish the love.

Cherish the love we have -
We have cherished ev'ry
moment we have together -
We should cherish the life we
live - hand in hand
you and I -
Cherish the love
cherish the life - baby -
cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have
for as long as we both
shall live

Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.