

Since few years, I sleep under the roof.

I have a big and dark bedroom.

Better than my first bedroom.

But, I'm not the only one who sleep under the roof.

Not every nights, sometimes, I hear some noises.

I don't know what is it.

I mean, animals.

Is it a bird?

Is it a mouse?

Is it a bat?

Really I don't know and I don't care.

I'm not scared.


Sometimes, they walk or slip, I don't know, but they're very noisy!!

This morning, at 6:00am, I've heard them again.

It's was so loud!!

We can live under the roof together.

It's okay, no problem.

But, when I sleep, I want them to stop walking and sliding!!

Well, maybe they take their revenge...

When I listen to the music with max volume...

Oops, maybe it's me, the noisy neighbourhood...

I am sorry, neighbours!!m(_ _ )m

