Whether you want to make a little extra money or build a long-term career online, there are many different ways to profit from your skills and hard work. I hope this guide will enable you to make money online.

Making money from social media

Social media has changed the way we communicate on the Internet, giving everyone a platform to express their opinions.
If you're active in services like instagram or twitter, you might consider monetizing social media.
One way is to promote the products and services of other companies. Sponsorship information is very common on social media and is usually marked as "sponsorship" and "advertisement" to identify advertisements.
Advertisers are looking to reach out to your followers, so you need to make sure the sponsored product is relevant and relevant to how you promote the company's ideas. Otherwise, you may alienate your subscribers.

Cryptocurrency Faucet

Faucet is a website, usually full of advertising links. You only need to solve the verification code used to identify (and exclude) any robot, and you can earn a small amount of bitcoin and altcoin. Many faucets are just a waste of time because they don't pay or distribute too little cryptocurrency.
After months of testing, I chose a small number of faucets to put in time.
First of all, my suggestion is to register two of the best faucet micro wallet coinpot and faucet center to optimize and ensure your income security.
The sites listed here are simpler and more secure because they are clustered in a single micro wallet coinpot, which is a multi currency wallet and does not provide any fee for transferring coins to your personal wallet.
Therefore, you can accumulate bitcoin, Leyte, dogcoin, bitcoin, cash and Dasch. You can also mine all these coins by passively using the computer's CPU at the speed you like.


At present, xfaucets has ten kinds of cryptocurrencies, including BTC, Eth and Doge. If you are interested in other cryptocurrencies, you can also collect them synchronously, because it can be obtained every ten minutes. In addition,  xfaucets has two levels of invitation rewards. The first level receives 25% of the rewards from the users who register and click on your invitation link, and the second level receives 10% of the rewards from the friends you invite and then invite them. This is different from other platforms and more profitable. If you are interested,  you can click my invitation link to view it.


You can claim up to 0.04 Dogecoin every 5 mins in Claimfreecoin.io.  


Faucet.asia is a special faucet station that provides dog money. If you are only interested in dog money, you might as well try this website, faucet.asia. You can get 0.001 Doge in 30 minutes. Of course,  faucet.asia also has a recommendation reward. You can get 25% of the recommendation reward by inviting your friends to register through your invitation link. If you want to get a lot of free dog money from the faucet and add some fun, faucet. Asia is definitely worth a try.
Influential markets like aspire IQ and upfluence are a good place to start looking for sponsorship because they can reach thousands of potential companies, but you should also consider working directly with them.
Or, you can use your social media as a springboard to launch your own products. For example, if you regularly publish information about fitness, you can sell fitness related products such as T-shirts, protein bars and water bottles. Others choose to use social media to promote online courses and their latest blog posts.
Whether you sell ads directly on your social media account or use it as a platform to promote your other interests, the goal is to keep your followers entertaining while making money.

Micro job market


Want to make money from your technology? Of course you know! A common way to make money online is to sell services in the micro job market (such as Fiverr). This market allows anyone to sell digital services, including graphics and design, writing, video, music, business, lifestyle, etc.
The micro employment market is evolved from the market of freelancers which is often used by enterprises. As enterprises adapt to the changing environment, the boundaries between the two platforms have been blurred for many years, but generally speaking, the work on websites such as Fiverr is a small task that can be completed quickly.
For example, you can write a blog post, design a logo, write messages for a company's social media activities, or make a short video for youtube.
The general idea is that you make money from many small jobs instead of one big one.
However, please note that micro job sites like Fiverr can be very competitive. So in the beginning, you may have to lower your rates until you build yourself up as a reliable freelancer.

Complete online survey

You won't benefit from it, but if you're just looking for a little extra cash, you might want to consider doing online surveys through companies like Sava bukes, one poll and Toluna.
These companies reward consumers for giving important customer insights about brands, products and services. Some companies do pay cash, but it's more common to give gift cards and free products for testing.
Many online voting services also offer rewards for performing other tasks. For example, you may be asked to download IOS or Android apps and provide feedback.
If you don't mind another company tracking your online habits, you can also use a predefined search engine to earn cash.

Testing websites and applications for others

Another way to provide insight for companies is to test the user experience of websites and applications. As a tester, you usually need to download the test application to a computer, tablet or smartphone. You will then be asked to perform a series of tasks, most of which take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.
For example, you may be asked to find products in an online store and complete the checkout process. Don't worry, you won't buy anything. You just need to test the website and the application so that developers can solve usability problems and improve the customer experience. For example, testing time says you can earn 60 pounds an hour, while user testing, user feel and trymyui say you can earn 10 dollars per test. Testing websites and apps won't make you a millionaire, but it's a simple way to make extra money.

Open a blog

Online research and testing can give you a taste of making money on the Internet, but if you're looking for long-term returns, you should focus on building a stable business.
One type of business I suggest exploring is blogging. Unlike other types of websites, you don't need to have any technical experience to start a blog. You just need to be passionate about something.
The whole process of creating a blog is simple. All you need to do is choose a blog platform, register a domain name, and then choose a blog hosting company.
If you've built a readership, you can sell banner space and advertising slots to companies, but I personally find affiliate marketing more profitable. You just need to choose good products, pay a fair Commission, and create quality content around.
Blog is also a perfect platform to release their own products. Whether it's e-books, private member areas, T-shirts or whatever, you can create sustainable long-term revenue through blogging and promote all your online projects.

Set up affiliated website

The principles of creating a successful blog can be used to build a profitable affiliate website. This includes creating engaging content, marketing your site and adhering to search engine ranking guidelines.
Unlike blogs, with an affiliate site, you can turn everything to a specific product. That's why most affiliate sites contain product reviews. People who search for reviews on a particular product are more likely to buy after reading rich reviews, so they are more likely to get a Recommendation Commission.
Although it does help to know a product firsthand, you can write good product reviews by hiring others to write for you or summarize what others have written.
There are millions of products sold online, so there are unlimited opportunities to make money from affiliate websites. The company lists the cooperation opportunities of its products on the alliance network or through its own internal Alliance Plan. Thousands of alliance programs are available online, but a good starting point is the Amazon Association program. Although Amazon's commission rate is lower than that of other franchisees, their stores tend to switch better due to brand loyalty. There is no doubt that the alliance website is one of the most effective ways to make money online.

Open online shop

According to the data of digital commerce 360, the e-commerce expenditure in 2019 is about 3.5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to grow further in the next few years.
It's a huge market, you should think about it.
As you might expect, it takes a lot of hard work to build a successful online store, so it may take months before you can start a healthy monthly profit. Look at how others build successful stores, study what products they sell, who your competitors are, and who your target audience are, and be prepared.

Hound design shop

There are many great e-commerce shopping platforms available, but two I suggest to further study Shopify and woocomerce. Shopify is a hosted online shopping solution that retails for $29 a month. The service handles everything for the shopkeeper and provides a large selection of themes for online stores. WordPress is a WordPress plug-in that has developed into the most popular online e-commerce solution. The plug-in is free to download, but you will have to host your online store and may purchase additional plug-ins to extend the functionality. Like Shopify, there are a variety of business themes on the market that can help you promote your products effectively. Take a look at our Shopify and WordPress articles to see which platform is right for you.
Sell products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc
When you open an online store, you have to spend time managing it, but in order to find customers, you also have to sell your online store and its products.
This can be difficult unless you have a large budget for an advertising campaign or a platform to promote your product, such as a blog or social media account with loyal followers. If you want to make money faster, you may want to consider selling products in the e-commerce market, such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy.


Shopping markets and auction sites are competitive, but there are few obstacles to getting started. On sites like eBay, you can sell old things around your house that you don't need. Or, you can search your local sales products and sell them at higher prices nationwide.
More mature sellers tend to use Dropshipping. There are thousands of sellers on Alibaba that can help you do that. Once someone buys something from you, you buy it from China and ship it to them. Customers will never know you didn't ship directly because your brand and marketing materials can be included in the packaging. In order to shorten the delivery time, many sellers choose to buy goods in bulk and send them directly to Amazon's warehouse using Amazon's FBA program. This is an attractive setting because you can build a large and successful Amazon store without having to store your own projects.

Creating worksheets

If you want to ask an experienced online marketer this question, my guess is that the "work board" will be at the bottom of the list, but there is a lot of money to use the work board.
The most difficult part of starting a recruitment committee is to attract companies to publish jobs and then build audiences. In the beginning, you may want to copy worklists from other sites. After all, no one would visit a recruitment committee without a work list.
Job search board is an attractive long-term project, because once the job search website is established, it only needs little maintenance to maintain its operation and make money.
Take remoteok as an example. The popular remote workbench, which earns nearly $1 million a year, is managed by a one-man team. There are many workboard products on the Internet, such as smart job board and jobboard.io, which can help you start your own workboard website. A large number of WordPress plug-ins are also available.

Create a discussion forum

Until the middle and late 21st century, forum has been one of the most common communication places for Internet users. I launched my first discussion forum in 2000, and more than a dozen in recent years. Today, forums are less common because of the popularity of social media, but they can still make huge profits. Many large forums continue to make money through partner banner ads and sponsorship ads, but we have also seen more private forums in the past 10 years. Private forums charge members a monthly or annual fee to gain access to the forum. Obviously, you can't just install forum software and expect the money to start rolling in. You need to attract people to sign up for your private forum by offering something that others can't find elsewhere. It can be an extensive online course or direct access to yourself or others who can provide support.

Establish e-mail marketing list

Ever wonder why every major online store, blog or community wants you to sign up for their newsletters? As the popular marketing proverb says, "money is on the list.". The target email list allows you to contact someone directly. It's a very powerful tool. If you have an online store, you can email customers, offer discounts and discounts, and bloggers can sell their e-books and online courses to readers. Even if you don't have a website, you can still make profits from creating an email marketing list by simply promoting targeted alliances to provide and trade. You can also use it to build your profile on youtube, twitter, instagram, etc.
E-mail marketing
If you build your email list from scratch, you may need to consider services like melchimp, because the first 2000 subscribers are free. As the list grows, the monthly cost of maintaining an email list on MailChimp is similar to that of email marketing services such as sendinblue and getresponse.
Once you create a newsletter subscription form, you can promote it on your website, online store, blog and social media account. This will help increase your list of registrations.
If you have a WordPress website, I encourage you to check out our article "top 9 email lists build plug-ins for WordPress.". It lists many useful plug-ins that can help you integrate MailChimp and other services into your website.
Build a member website
If you have the ability to run a successful blog, you have the ability to build a good membership website. Like blogs, the key to a successful membership website is good content. Although most blogs are free to read, most of the content on the membership website is hidden behind the pay wall. However, it would be wise to provide users with some free content to showcase what full members offer. Full membership may include detailed reviews, in-depth written and video tutorials, access to knowledgeable support teams or communities, free e-books, etc. Successful member websites often provide content to members over time. This is to prevent people from accessing all content immediately and then cancel. In other words, you need a reason for people to hang out.
In order to better understand what kind of membership websites you can build, I suggest you search the Internet to see what others have created. You will see a variety of topics on member websites, such as website development, fitness, cooking, music, video creation, sports, etc.
Also pay attention to the cost of competing websites. In some segments, a member's monthly salary is usually $99, while in others it can be as low as $10.
WordPress is a good platform to build a membership website, because there are a lot of plug-ins and themes that allow you to expand your website.
To help you understand what memberships the WordPress plug-in offers, check out the articles "build your cube: 7 top WordPress membership plugins compared for 2020" and "the best WordPress membership plug-in to match any budget.".
Launch online course
Can you teach others a new skill? Online learning is a multi billion dollar industry that continues to grow every year, with some teachers earning millions of dollars from their courses. Compared with member websites, online courses tend to be more structured and focus on teaching someone a specific skill or topic. Over the years, people have been expecting more and more from the course, so be prepared to spend a lot of time creating content for your course. On online course platforms such as udemy and treehouse, successful courses often include dozens of articles, hours of videos, downloadable resources and so on.
The online course platform udemy has more than 100000 courses in its catalog and millions of customers. It's a huge market you can enter, but you know, udemy takes a 50% commission to let you sell the course. This means that you have to price your courses accordingly, which is very difficult in such a competitive market. If you have an established blog or large social media, you may want to consider hosting an online course yourself so that you can keep 100% sales.

Become a virtual assistant

Virtual assistants help enterprises perform many different tasks from remote locations.
As a virtual assistant, the specific work you do and your salary will vary from company to company. Tasks can include social media management, answering emails, preparing reports, booking hotels for customers, managing appointments, performing data entry, doing research, and so on.

Host Podcast

If you're not a writer, you might consider hosting a podcast.
Podcasts are as popular as ever. Every topic you can think of has performances: sports, movies, music, history, comedy, politics, fashion and so on.
Podcasts can be recorded on your smartphone, but you can significantly improve the quality of the recording by investing in a microphone or recorder that costs less than $100. If you can build an audience, you can make money by selling advertisements and promoting your products and services. Profits can be used to buy more advanced recording and mixing equipment. Although you need to learn something about recording equipment, editing audio files and publicity, podcasting is much simpler than many people think.
Podcasting services like bluberry do a lot of work for you. They will host your audio files, submit your podcasts to podcast directories, and even help you make money on your programs. To see which podcast hosting services are available, check out our article "the best podcast hosting services on the Internet.".

Become a freelancer

The freelancer market is a good place to find jobs online. These job catalogues list contract, part-time and full-time jobs. The popularity of micro job markets like Fiverr has also affected the freelancer market, with small jobs and tasks appearing in advertisements. The general freelancer market, such as freelancers, lists many different types of jobs. This includes data input, graphic design, mobile application development, free writing and so on. There is also a market for freelancers, focusing on specific niche markets. For example, 99designs, a competitive freelancer website, lists only design jobs. The competition in the freelancer market is well known. Therefore, if you want to successfully bid for customers, it is essential to establish your image as a freelancer both inside and outside the market. It's hard at first, which is why some people cut rates in the first place, but your reputation will improve over time. Once you have established your position, you can choose your freelancer more selectively, define the frequency of your work and the fees you charge your clients. You can also choose a part-time job to compliment other jobs you do online.
Write a Book
In the digital age, publishing printed books or digital books is very simple. You can publish books of any length, such as romance, science fiction, history, business, education, etc. Books can be written in a word processing application, such as Microsoft Word, and then uploaded to an online bookstore for approval. Most bookstores will provide you with a Book template, which can simplify the whole process.