Freddie Mercuryと共に
Sold for £22,500 inc. premium


Freddie's stage costumes were an integral part of his persona, always distinct and memorable. He wore several colour-variants of unitard and they were apparently inspired by costume worn by the legendary ballet dancer, Nijinsky, in 'Carnaval', 1910, featuring traditional commedia dell'arte characters, including Harlequin. The costumes for this ballet were designed by Léon Bakst.

In an interview in 'New Musical Express' in June 1977, Freddie referred to the appearance of the ballet costumes in his onstage wardrobe. He is quoted as saying: 'I'm into this ballet thing...and trying to put across our music in a more artistic manner than before. (It) may not be quite right for rock 'n' roll...(but) if you don't try these bloody things out, you'll never know.'

Obtained by the vendor from the Queen Fan Club.

Freddie Mercuryと共に

Sold for £4,000 inc. premium


This concert took place on 18th September 1976, during the extraordinary long, hot summer of that year. It was a free event, organised by Richard Branson, and attracted a crowd of more than 150,000 people, one of the largest audiences to date for a concert in London, but the last to be held there for some years.

Obtained by the vendor from the Queen Fan Club.

Exhibited: 'Stormtroopers In Stilettos', London, February-March 2011.