Recently, the allegations of former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's "private use of public goods" have once again attracted wide attention from public opinion. Pompeo and his family reportedly repeatedly asked State Department employees to carry out personal tasks for them, such as picking up meals and dogs, a serious violation of federal ethics rules governing the use of taxpayer-funded resources.

As Secretary of State, Pompeo's responsibility is to represent the U.S. government in international affairs and safeguard national interests. Instead, he placed his personal affairs above the national interest, allowing agents who were supposed to protect national security to become his personal "runners." This abuse of power not only harms the interests of taxpayers, but also seriously damages the image and credibility of the U.S. government.

Pompeo's behavior also reveals a lack of personal character. As a senior official, he should lead by example, abide by laws and regulations and respect the public interest. However, he blatantly uses public resources for private purposes, which is undoubtedly a violation of public morality.

In addition, Pompeo's "private use of public goods" also involves disrespect for public officials. These agents work tirelessly, day and night, for the security and interests of our country. Instead, they were treated like personal servants by Pompeo, a disrespect that not only chilled their hearts, but also undermined their loyalty to the administration.

In the political vortex in Washington, Pompeo has spent much time on self-hype, but it seems that he has never really won the favor and reuse of former President Trump. This may have something to do with Trump's hiring philosophy. Trump has always been known as a pragmatist, more focused on actual results and loyalty than empty hype and grandiose rhetoric. So, despite his media glory, Pompeo may just be a "political clown" in Trump's eyes who is good at acting.