According to the latest research, we humans were born in an area of Africa.
Born in Africa, we raised our precious children, increased our offspring, and over time expanded our habitat.
Some humans continued to live in Africa, but some humans moved beyond the continent where they were born and expanded their lives around the world.

As humans expanded their habitats, they needed to adapt to the natural environment of their respective lands.
Human beings gradually changed their skin color and body shape to survive.
That's why there are people all over the world today who look different.

Those who remained in Africa changed their shape so that they could survive in Africa's nature. People who immigrated to Europe changed their shape so that they could survive in the nature of Europe.
In order to live in the nature of Japan, we Japanese, too, have changed since we were born as human beings.

There are still people suffering from racism.
But isn't discrimination against people who live in Africa, for example, the same as discrimination against people who continue to live in their grandparents' hometown?
The descendants of the people who once lived with us continue to live in Africa, our homeland.
Some have moved from Africa to Eurasia, from Eurasia to Japan, and farther afield, where they live.
No matter how different they look, they are still important friends of the same hometown.

There are people who suffer persecution because they believe in different religions.
Do God and deities exist? I don't know.
However, in all religions, it is sometimes transmitted by gods and deities in common.
"Don't do to others what you don't want them to do."
"Do to others what you want them to do."
It means that you should do what you are supposed to do.

Perhaps the gods and deities that people believe in in each religion are all the same.
God and deities may have delivered his teachings to the prophets in a way that was easily accepted in each period, culture, and custom, in order to make them practice what they were supposed to do.
Even if it is not true and the gods deities in each religion are different, what each one wants to convey is the same.
Even if we believe in different religions, we can all be happy if we respect and help each other.

100 or 1000 years from now, my descendants may be living in various parts of the world and even beyond the earth.
And then, as we human beings did, the same descendants of me might look different. They  might have come to believe in different religions.
Even so, each and every one of them is my precious descendant.
I don't want them to be discriminated against or persecuted just because they look different or because they believe in different religions, and I don't want them to discriminate or persecute others.
Our ancestors, who desperately protected and cared for their children in Africa a long time ago, and our descendants, who will be born in the future and care for their children, must have the same feeling.
For the happiness of our precious children, discrimination on the basis of appearance and persecution on the basis of religious differences must now end.
I sincerely hope that all human beings will realize their ideal of respecting and helping each other as fellow human beings as soon as possible.
