


今は2022年度最終月、2023年3月号 発言の流れ(フロー)を作る重要表現 を復習中📝



Practice makes perfect!















the bottom line is

at the end of the day

in short

in a word

to put it briefly

in a nutshell

on the whole

all in all




 Key Sentence




Well, the bottom line is that he wanted to get more customers.



➫ bottom line は「計算書の最終行」から来ている



Bottom line, he wanted to get more customers.



*説明にはテキスト以外にも『一億人の英文法』と『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』から引用することがあります

at the end of the day:結局のところ


At the end of the day, we have no choice, right?






In short, the future is looking bright for our company.

In a word, the future is looking bright for our company.

To put it briefly, the future is looking bright for our company.

In a nutshell, the future is looking bright for our company.





On the whole, I'm happy with this year's lessons.

All in all, I'm happy with this year's lessons.







『英会話 話を組み立てる パワーフレーズ 講義編』から2020年度の学習分も回収しておきます


Lesson 61 まとめ・結論❶


to sum up:要約すると・まとめると


To sum up, let's do everything possible to avoid relegation.


➫ sum は動詞では「合計する(up)」




▶ In summary, our best option as a company is to downsize.


▶ Perhaps I could just summarize our decisions so far.




in conclusion / to conclude:結論として・まとめると



In conclusion, our research found that increased sleeping time has a positive effect on test performance.



Lesson 62 まとめ・結論❷


The bottom line is that we need to hire more people.




What's the bottom line here?

― The bottom line is that we have no choice.






when all is said and done:結局のところ


When all is said and done, we are a team and we have to stick together.



I mean, at the end of the day, we have no choice, do we?




Lesson 63 まとめ・結論❸


You are smart, funny, and efficient. You are, in short, perfect.


In a word, you're a genius.


To put it briefly, your entire network needs upgreading.

➫ brief(手短な・要旨)はさまざまな形で使える

・in brief

・(to put it) briefly

・to be brief など


In a nutshell, your presentation was monotonous and boring.



Lesson 64 まとめ・結論❹


On the whole, I like your plan. But some changes need to be made.


On the whole, I'm happy with your performance.


All in all, this has been a very successful year for the company.




 Expressions in Action


(1) The bottom line is that we don't have enough money to fund this project.



(2) In a nutshell, your request for a loan has been denied.



(3) All in all, the results are very encouraging.







この週の Say It in English での例文も復習しておきます:




Friend: Do you have any advice?


You: The point is not to be afraid of making mistakes.

It's totally OK to make mistakes because that gives you precious opportunities to learn.









See you next time!