




今回からしばらく、大物 by を扱います。豊かな使い方を持つ前置詞です。



大西先生が、「大物」とおっしゃるだけあって、講座では4回にわたり解説された by ですが、今回ここで一気に復習しております。










 Key Sentences



I would put a little log cabin by the lake there.



I have to finish this student survey report by 11 a.m. tomorrow.



You can't judge a book by its cover.




We have to stand by our decision.

➫stand by は「(約束などを)守る・支持する、味方になる」などさまざまに訳されるが、要するに「そばに立っている」ということ






by the bus stop
by the post office
by my office

By the way, I'm going to a classical concert.
➫今までの話題の流れの「そば」の別の way (道)にはいる

Are you going by yourself?
➫by oneself は、誰も「そば」にいず、「自分のそば」としか言えない→「周りに誰もいない」→「ひとりで」

【受動態の by】
This book was written by a famous novelist.
I like songs by this singer.


I'll be there by six.


went there by car / train / bus


wrote a letter by hand(手書きで)
came in by the back door(裏口から)

by chance [accident]
by mistake

sell pencils by the dozen
is paid by the hour

This is his most popular book by far.
won by a neck
won by a nose
won by a large margin
won by a narrow margin
raise production by 20%

【「近く」を表す by を使ったフレーズ】

Times goes by fast.
go by「(時が)過ぎる・経過する」
pass by(通り過ぎる)
drive by(車で通り過ぎる)

drop by

come by(立ち寄る)
How did you come by this information?

【by を使った頻用フレーズ】
They were walking side by side.

His English is improving little by little.
step by step
day by day
one by one

I put $5 by every week for a rainy day.
put ~ by [aside]「~をためる・とっておく」




 Expressions in Action



(1) I'll drop by on my way to the office.



(2) The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.



(3) My husband is getting more easygoing as time goes by.



(4) We have to be at the theater by 7:15. Don't be late!



(5) By the way, are you free this Saturday?



(6) I think I can fix the problem by myself.



(7) I commute to work by train.



(8) I called my ex's number by mistake!



(9) Alex is by far the best player on our team.



(10) Learning English is step-by-step process.



(11) I try to put some money by every month, but I end up spending it all!



(12) On our website, you can view similar products side by side.





 Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 102  100回め

Lesson 103  90回め

Lesson 104  80回め

Lesson 105  70回め












See you soon!