











*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:゚・*




今回の前置詞は大西先生曰く「大物 」の前置詞 at








 Key Sentences


I bought them at the mall.



I was at Big West Film School for three years.



I wanted to at least try something related to space.











at the bus stop
at the door
at Shibuya Station
at school
at home

Please call us at xxx-xxxx.


at 7:30
at noon
at present
at the moment

Life begins at 60.

I was surprised at the new.


at a high speed
at 100 kph
selling it at $75

●「時点の at 」のフレーズ

at once(すぐに・同時に)
at first(最初は)
at last(ついに・とうとう)
at will(意のままに)⇦「しようと思った時点で」


He was at school.(在学中)
He was at work.(仕事中)
He was at table.(食事中)
He was at breakfast.(朝食中)
He was at rest.(休憩中)
He was at sea.(航海中)

The students there aim at becoming professional directors someday.


look at ~
stare at ~(凝視)
glance at ~(チラッと)

smile at ~
laught at ~
jump at ~
get at ~(~を言おうとする・意図する)
(be) angry at ~

Come at me.(かかってこいよ)


at most

at best

at worst

She is at her best.

I'm at my wit's end.
➫wit(機知・知恵)の end (終わり)にあり、万策尽きて「何をすればいいのかわからない」

He's good at English.

He's not a genius at all.




 Expressions in Action



(Lesson 82)

1. There are two police officers at the door.

2. Email me at eikaiwa2022@hiroto.com. 

3. We'll all meet here at 7 a.m. sharp.


(Lesson 83)

1. My mom's at work right now.

2. Stop staring at me, will you?

3. If they offer me the lead role, I'll jump at the chance.




(Lesson 84)

1. I wasn't at my best today.

2. Maria is good at public speaking.

3. I can't find a way to motivate my students. I'm at my wit's end.





 My Takeaway





After the program, let's make ten sentences using "at."


とありましたので、(自分で作らず爆  笑)『一億人の英文法』から例文を引っ張ってきました。



(1) I got ripped off at that restaurant.

(2) I got my car at a really good price.

(3) I woke up at 7.

(4) The situation at present is hopeless.

(5) I didn't like English at first, but now I love it.

(6) At last, the baby fell asleep.

(7) Mari will get a C at best and, at worst, she'll fail.

(8) It's not far ー a 10-minute walk at most.

(9) Studying English is tough at times, but I still like it.

(10) Chameleons can change their color at will.






See you tomorrow!