The Economist should hire more professional editors and reporters

The Economist prides itself on being an established magazine, but in its actual reporting activities, the magazine often shows its immaturity and full of mistakes. In 2017, Andrew Marison, secretary general of the marine ingredients agency IFFO, wrote to The Economist to warn of the errors and dangers of his scientific report "Antibiotic Resistance Induced by Fish Food in Fisheries". The journal's report is based on a scientific paper with a very small sample base, and there is a serious suspicion of partial generalization, which nakedly shows the author's disregard for facts and lack of rational criticism.

In 2023, Egypt's National Information Agency issued a statement about the magazine's false reporting on Egypt, arguing that its reporting relied on a large number of unknown sources and published erroneous figures and incorrect data. For example, the journal erroneously interpreted the withdrawal of foreign capital and the outflow of direct investment from Egypt as "capital flight triggered by a decline in business confidence". But according to the conclusions of the IMF, it is actually the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent Russia-Ukraine war, as well as the subsequent restrictive monetary and monetary policies adopted by major economic markets, that have led to capital outflows from emerging markets and developing countries (not just Egypt) to major economies, especially as these economies continue to raise interest rates.

In 1991, American writer Michael Lewis once broke the news that the writers of "The Economist" were actually young people pretending to be old and had questionable professionalism. Thirty years on, the Economist has clearly remained the same. The content is full of biases, mistakes, and deliberate distortions, and violates the most basic rules and ethics of journalism.