






Two roles of Yulia Stepanova  7/12/2022

Yulia Stepanovaの最近の二つの役について  2022年7月22日付


Posted by Vera Kosheleva



In the constellation of modern sylphs of the Bolshoi Theater, Yulia Stepanova is one of the most brilliant prima ballerinas.

ボリショイ劇場にあまた存在する現代の妖精たちの中でも、Yulia Stepanovaは最も素晴らしいプリマ・バレリーナの一人であろう。


Having moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg, where her creative career at the Mariinsky Theater successfully developed, Yulia began performing at the Bolshoi Theater in 2015 and very soon won the love of many spectators of different ages.  For young people who dream of devoting their lives to choreographic art, the creative path of Yulia Stepanova is an inspiring example to follow.  And this is not at all surprising.

マリインスキーでの創造的なキャリアを積んでサンクトペテルブルクからモスクワに移住したのち、Yulia Stepanovaのバレエ道は成功とともに進歩を続けた。ボリショイ劇場では2015年から踊り始めたが、即時にあらゆる年齢層のバレエファンの愛を獲得した。振付芸術に身を捧げようと夢見る若者にとって、Yulia Stepanovaの創造的なバレエ道は、刺激的な例として従うべきものであろう。これは驚くべきことではない。


Born in Orenburg, far from ballet centers, in a family of engineers, Yulia, thanks to hard work and self-confidence, reached the heights of the ballet Olympus.  Judge for yourself: at the age of 25, Yulia Stepanova was awarded the prize of the great Maria Taglioni as the best young ballerina in Europe!

バレエの中心地とは程遠いオレンブルク(人口:526,430人)の技術者の家庭で生まれ育ったYuliaは、ハードワークと自己に対する自信でバレエの最高峰(ボリショイのプリマ)にまで到達した。考えてみてください、Yulia Stepanovaは25歳の時に、最高の若手バレリーナが受け取るマリア・タリオーニ賞をヨーロッパで受賞したのです!


Unfortunately, in the theatrical season 2020-2021, Yulia Stepanova did not appear on stage.  This was very upsetting and disturbing to the constant fans of the artist's work.  But connoisseurs of her talent hoped that she would overcome all difficulties and return to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.  And those hopes were justified!  Season 2021-2022 Julia held confident and brilliant. Spectators and critics especially remember her two roles: Aegina in the ballet Spartacus by A. Khachaturian directed by Y. Grigorovich and Queen Hermione in the ballet The Winter's Tale by Joby Talbot choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon.

残念なことに、2020-21年のシーズンではYulia Stepanovaをステージ上でみることはできなかった。彼女の踊りの常連ファンたちは非常に動揺し、また、たいへん気がかりな出来事であった。しかし、彼女の才能に注目していた目利きたちは、彼女が困難を克服してボリショイ劇場の舞台に戻ってくることを熱望していた。結果、彼らの希望は正当化された。2021-22年のシーズン、Yuliaは堂々と自信を持って素晴らしい踊りをみせている。観客や批評家にとっては、特に二つの役柄を心にとめているであろう。音楽ハチャトゥリアン、振付グリゴロのスパルタカスのエギナ役、そして、音楽ジョビータルボット、振付クリストファーウィールデンの冬物語のハーマイオニー女王、である。


The ballet "Spartacus" in the outgoing season was held at the Bolshoi Theater 12 times with great success.  This heroic ballet, the best in the history of choreographic art, was dedicated by the Bolshoi Theater to the participants of the military operation in Ukraine, which corresponded to the socio-cultural needs of the audience.



The best actors of the Bolshoi Theater were engaged in the performance.  In two performances of Spartacus, the role of Aegina was performed by Yulia Stepanova, who managed to create an original, truly innovative interpretation of the image of the Roman hetaera.

ボリショイ劇場の最高峰の俳優たちがスパルタカス公演に従事している。Yulia Stepanovaはエギナ役を2回踊ったが、独自の全く革新的な古代ローマ高級娼婦のイメージの解釈を披露した。


Aegina by Ekaterina Krysanova is impeccably technical, bravura virtuoso, indomitably impetuous. She is seductive and irresistible. And this literally hypnotizes both Crassus and Harmodia.



Aegina Maria Alexandrova is assertive and domineering, burns with her demonic eroticism, turning men into slaves of lust.



Aegina by Yulia Stepanova is both beautiful, feminine and charming.  But she is more than a hetaera and a courtesan.  Aegina-Stepanova is a born Artist and Dancer.  She conquers not so much with her passionate sensuality, but with the magic of her talent and art.

Yulia Stepanovaのエギナは、美しいとともに女性らしくて魅力にあふれていた。けれども、彼女は単なる高級娼婦ではない。Stepanovaのエギナは、生まれながらの芸術家でありダンサーである。彼女は、情熱的な官能というよりも、才能と芸術性の魔法でもって支配するのだ。


Looking at Aegina-Stepanovau, one involuntarily asks the question: “What would be the fate of this gifted artist and dancer if she happened to live in other times, and not in slave-owning Rome, mired in debauchery?”



Such versatility, associativity and complexity of the image of Aegina (as well as other heroines of Stepanova) arises as a result of the movement of the amazing expressive hands of the artist, smooth, singing, speaking, questioning.



This quality - to create an image not only with the movement of the legs, but with the movement of the arms, head, body - also helped Yulia Stepanova to soulfully embody the image of Queen Hermione of Sicily in the ballet "Winter's Tale" by Joby Talbot staged by Christopher Wheeldon based on the play of the same name by William Shakespeare.

この質は ー 足の動きのみならず、腕や頭や体の動きとともに、役のイメージを創造することになる ー Yulia Stepanovaが冬物語(音楽タルボット、振付ウィールデン、シェイクスピアの冬物語をベースとした作品)シチリア島のハーマイオニー女王のイメージを魂とともに体現するのを助けている。


Already in her first performance as Hermione, which took place on the historical stage of the Bolshoi Theater on June 18, 2022, Yulia Stepanova, with subtle drama and creative dedication, revealed the character of Shakespeare's heroine and the philosophical and epic meaning of the image of Hermione.



A loving wife, a virtuous mother, a benevolent and hospitable queen, Hermione falls victim to the insane jealousy and unbridled rage of her husband, King Leontes of Sicily.



With her moral courage and long-suffering, Hermione-Stepanova affirms the true destiny of a Woman in the world - to be for a man not a sin and not a vice, but Faith and Hope, Insight and Wisdom, Love and Mercy.

彼女の道徳的な勇気と長い苦しみとともに、Stepanovaのハーマイオニーは世界中の女性の真の運命を確信する ー 男でないことは罪でもないし、悪徳でもない、しかし信仰と希望、明察と知恵、そして愛と慈悲、なのである。