大安の英語レシピ -2ページ目


ビジネス英会話と洋楽歌詞和訳のライブラリです。 実践のビジネス場面で利用する表現や語法を掲載してます。 洋楽の歌詞和訳は、意訳ですのでご意見無用!

下記は、よく間違えやすい他動詞(transitive V)の使い方です。



inform (~に通知する)                    

誤)Please inform your arrival to me./ Please inform me your arrival./ Their arrival has not been informed to us yet.             

正)Please inform me of your arrival./ We have not been informed of their arrival yet.(we are yet be informed of their arrival) or Their arrival has not been reported to us yet. 


advise (~に通知する)                    

誤)Please advise your arrival to me./ Please advise me your arrival.

正)Please advise me of your arrival.         


thank (~に感謝する)                     

誤)I thank your help.    

正)I thank you for your help.      


appreciate (~を感謝する)              

誤)I appreciate you for your help.             

正)I appreciate your help.           


introduce (~を紹介する) 

誤)Please introduce me Mr. Wagner.         

正)Please introduce Mr. Wagner to me.    


explain (~を紹介する)     

誤)Please explain me the method.             

正)Please explain the method to me.         


suggest (~を提案する)  

誤)I suggest you to join us .        

正)I suggest that you join us .    


誤)I suggest that the meeting will be put off till June 9.     

正)I suggest that the meeting (should) be put off till June 10.         


suggest の節では will (=叙実法)は用いない。 should (=叙想法)に限られている。

次も同様: agree/ advice/ ask / decided/ demand/ insist/ move/ recommend/ request/


また、suggest (~を提案する)は、動名詞のみを目的語にとる

誤)He suggested to take a break.

正)He suggested taking a break.



Admit / enjoy / avoid / finish / keep / deny / consider

It sounds contradictory.

How can you accommodate the two different views?

The two views are not contradictory, but complementary.

That means that they depend on each other. We can't do one without the other.

It's a not a matter of A or B.

This is not an "either/or" situation.

We must embrace both global and local realities.

We need both global and local perspective to act appropriately.

(Reference: NHK TV 実践・ビジネス英会話 2003-9)


通常の疑問文の語順は、「疑問詞 - 動詞 - 主語」ですが、
間接疑問文のときは、「疑問詞 - 主語 - 動詞」という順になります。

「ねえ知ってる? 彼女は何時に出発するのかな?」という、2つの直接疑問文を1つの間接疑問文で

Do you know? + What time does she leave?
Do you know what time     she leaves?



正:Would you let me know how you came up with these figure?
誤:Would  you let me know how did you come up with these figure?

正:Can you tell me what the basis of your calculation is?
誤: Can you tell me what is the basis of your calculation?