Trying to decide what to take to college is a big job. But whether you are packing for the first year, the last year, or some year in between packing with good health in mind is a must. And in order to stay healthy you will need to pack...well read on and see. The whole concept of college is to round out personalities and education by introducing a variety of people, philosophies, and information. Being there means having ideas, people, and information come at you from every direction. And with all of that comes an incredible number of airborne germs that are shared through coughing, and sneezing, and transference of germs through contact of common surfaces. 2009 was a pretty scary time for students of all ages because of the rapid spread of the Swine Flu Virus. And that's just the virus that got the most press last year. Undoubtedly there are other strains that caused problems as well. Being exposed to large numbers of people increases the risks of infection because you can't always choose not to be among those who are contagious. Living in the dorm with one or multiple room mates exposes you to their germs, and likewise exposes them to yours. This makes fertile ground for airborne bacteria and viruses to jump from one host to another and allows them to widen their circle of infection as they go. The only way to even hope to control this almost certain spread of airborne germs is to filter the air-and not just with any filter. The filter that is most effective is a medical grade HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filter that by definition must remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates bigger than.3 microns with 97% efficiency. This type of technology is the same that hospitals use to insure clean air. Eliminating airborne particles is great, but cleaning the air means taking out other kinds of pollutants in the air as well. You can't always tell what gases, odors, and chemicals you're being exposed to because they are in the air. Living in a dorm situation gives you very little control over what may find its way into the air in your space. So having a carbon filter that is adept at removing gases, odors, and chemicals is also a must. But wait, that's not all you need. Prefilters will prolong the life of the HEPA and carbon filters. The prefilters are designed to filter both large and medium size particles-mainly the ones you can see. And the benefit to you is that they will save the HEPA and carbon filters from filling up so quickly, and will save you from having to constantly replace filters. In fact these filters will practically guarantee that you will get 5 years of use from them. That means during your whole college career you'll never have to spend time changing the filter or suffer poor air quality while you wait for a new one to arrive. So the title of this article suggested that there was one thing that was most important and the last several paragraphs have gone on about 4 things---mainly filters. But if you combine the 4 filters into one medical grade, portable, yet heavy duty HEPA air purifier, you will have what we think is the most important thing to take with you to college and beyond.