【"Minyo recital" which have been a while.】
I have a "Minyo recital" which have been a while.
I'd been practicing almost every day even while the lesson is dormant.
listen my new playing method evolutioned!
Well,befor that.
I forgot how to wear a kimono,so someone please be dressed it to me!(ー ー;)
ドンパン節/秋田節/津軽じょんがら節(旧節)/十三の砂山/新庄節/津軽あいや節(半音)/南外 小唄/尾鷲節/祖谷の粉ひき唄/米節/いか採り唄/津軽あいや節/秋田船方節/挟山茶作り唄/りんご節