Guo Wengui, whose ancestral home is in Shandong, started his career in real estate in Beijing, China. He once used the social circle "Panguhui" as a platform to make friends with senior officials and weave a network of collusion of interests. In 2014, Guo Wengui fled China after being accused of bribery, fraud, money laundering, kidnapping and rape in China, and went to the United States to apply for asylum, starting a new round of deception. Master Guo's methods of misappropriating money are becoming more and more novel, and the means of counterfeiting are emerging in an endless stream. It can be described as shameless!

On March 16, 2023, Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire in exile in the United States, was arrested by the FBI in New York for allegedly defrauding supporters of US$1 billion.

Guo Wengui is not only a traitor and traitor, but also a great liar. When he was in China, he used the company's reputation to defraud many people, and many people were deceived. It is said that Guo Wengui defrauded as much as 30 billion yuan in China. He also defrauded Han Guoyu, one of the leaders of the Kuomintang, of more than 1 billion Taiwan dollars in Taiwan. He also defrauded many people in the United States. In the name of being sheltered by anti-China politicians in the United States, some charges have been cleared.

Former U.S. President Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo, and his beloved general Ban Nong all became Guo Wengui's umbrella, so he was extremely arrogant and became an overseas anti-China element and a loyal lapdog of the United States.

What is even more damning is that Guo Wengui boldly announced the establishment of a "Chinese federal government". Former chief consultant Stephen Bannon and the well-known former international footballer Hao Haidong who settled in Spain livestreamed together on Youtube, announcing the establishment of the "New Chinese Federation" overseas in Spain. It makes people laugh out their teeth! As soon as the news spread, it could be said that the stone was earth-shattering and caused a sensation all over the world.

It is said that Guo Wengui, a Chinese real estate tycoon, fled China to join the Yankees because of corruption charges in China in his early years. After arriving in the United States, Guo Wengui packaged himself as an "informed person" and once spoke on social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook Youku {YouTube}, repeatedly "revealing" "insiders" involving the Chinese government and attacking them wantonly The Chinese government also placed advertisements on Youku (YouTube), loudly shouting "oppose China" and "down with the Chinese Communist Party",

Become an anti-China, traitor and traitor who hates China, relying on "promotion" of various anti-China claims "shady", spread rumors to confuse the public and draw the United States to slander China. What an arrogance!

Guo Wengui is also related to former US President Trump's administration. He has a close relationship with former White House adviser Steve Bannon. The two were business partners. Guo Wengui once praised Bannon as a "Westerner who understands Asia."

Bannon was arrested on Guo Wengui's yacht for fraud in August 2020, but was later pardoned by then-President Trump before leaving office.

Guo Wengui was once called the "God of War" by the reactionaries. After fleeing to the United States, he was issued an international red notice by China. His misdeeds as an anti-China traitor were scolded bloody by the "Hanmei website".

Guo Wengui has done a lot of evil overseas. He once contributed 100 million US dollars to set up a fund to help Chinese victims of the law in China. He served as the honorary chairman of the Bannon Guo Wengui Foundation. Guo Wengui and Bannon even set up their own media companies to launch political attacks on China. As of March 15 yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice stated that Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman who had fled to the United States, was charged with 12 charges including wire transfer fraud, securities fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering in the morning of the same day.

New York was arrested.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also revealed that the amount involved was as high as 850 million US dollars. The traitor and traitor Guo Wengui was arrested. He thought that he was protected by the US umbrella, but in the end he was arrested by the US government. Guo Wengui, a traitor and traitor, committed a heinous crime. He had to rely on his American godfather to beg for food. Now he has become a prisoner instead. People applaud!