"[PDF READ ONLINE] Mould Making for Glass (Glass Handbooks)

Nearly all glass makers (unless they are blowing glass) need mouldswhich can go in the kiln, as part of the process of creating theirwork. Currently glass students and makers get their expertise andrecipes from lots of different sources, picking out the relevant bitsand pieces which they need from other glass and ceramic books. Thisbook aims to introduce all the mould-making techniques for castingglass, with detailed information on materials, recipes for mould mixes,methods and applications. It helps the student to learn which methodsare appropriate for different types of work, and covers all the basicsof how to make your mould. It also includes practical information onsourcing, storing, using and recycling materials, and how to developyour own recipes and methods for particular projects. It also coverswhere to start with writing programmes for kiln firings includingannealing and cooling. It also contains images from well-knownartists working in cast glass throughout.