Some of the more prominent e-book topics are about making money, so you can follow something along those lines while still managing to make it your own. Selling these books online is an extremely efficient money making idea because you do not have to do much work after the initial time you put in creating them. Most e-books sales are advertised on pages in other sites so your must stand out so the reader will get interested and want to follow the link to purchase the book.For anyone who is looking for a small income on the side or would like to work for extra money, e-books are the ideal outlet for those in need of money fast..Other TipsTo make your e-book popular after you have published it, create a small website dedicated to a quick look at the book as well as the link to purchase the book. If a potential customer sees that the book is only a few pages, they will question how much information can really be there to assist them.Once  you get these matters in order, the money will practically be made by itself with the help of these e-books. It also needs to appeal to the widest audience possible so you can make the most sales.The  TitleSome of the vital points to take time with is picking your title. Have an outline with you when you are actually writing the book, so that you can keep the fluidity of the book constant. If the book is too long, the customer may not want to waste their time reading such a novel. Look to see what other books like yours would go for in terms of cost.Choosing Your TopicOnce you decide that you want to pursue this business, you need to figure out what your e-book is going to address; it should be something the general public finds appealing and fascinating to read about. You do not want it to be too expensive so that no one would want to buy the book, but it cannot be too cheap as the customer may question the quality of the book. It should be long enough to be informative, but not to the point where the reader may lose interest.Page CountKeep in mind the actual page count of the book. If the websites displayed get a lot of attention, you know your concept will be popular. After it is written, you can look through your work to pick the final title to use for the book and its subsections. Then post the e-book's link to other sites that get a lot of traffic and are germane to what your book is about. Your product is all your own and you can ensure that it is different from all of the other books out there. People will often gain interest if they are already looking into the same concept themselves. If you are considering the e-book business, it is much easier to simply write your own book rather than sell someone elses. Check on any major search engine and see if your topic pulls up a lot of information