High or Low Maintenance | Fake Bridget Jones's Diary

High or Low Maintenance

あなたはHigh Maintenanceですか?Low Meintenanceですか?

この表現って実は大好きな映画の”When Harry met Sally"で覚えた。


(We see them both looking at the TV, Casablanca playing)
Harry: Ooo, Ingrid Bergman, now she's low maintenance.
Sally: Low maintenance?
Harry: There are two kinds of women.
High maintenance and low maintenance.
Sally: And Ingrid Bergman is low maintenance?
Harry: In LM, definitely.
Sally: Which one am I?
Harry: You're the worst kind.
You're high maintenance but you think you're low maintenance.
Sally: I don't see that.
Harry: You don't see that? Waiter, I'll begin with
a house salad, but I don't want the regular dressing. I'll have the
Balsamic vinegar and oil, but on the side. And then the Salmon with
the mustard sauce, but I want the mustard sauce, on the side.
On the side is a very big thing for you.
Sally: Well I just want it the way I want it.
Harry: I know. High maintenance.




用は、とってもわがままだとか、こだわりが在るとか、相手に対してとても気を使ったりすること。私は結構Low Maintenanceだと思うのだが・・・。がしかし、これは相手によっても違う。相手が”わがままをかわいい”と思える人だったら大丈夫だし、そのわがままの限度にもよるだろう。同じわがままでも”許せる”って人と”わがままで許せない”という人がいるだろう。ようはコンビネーションなんだな・・・。


High Maintenanceアップ


