"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been a powerhouse franchise ever since the debut of the indie comic book back in 1984. The TMNT have captivated kids and those young at heart for over thirty years now with several movies, multiple cartoon series, ongoing comics and one of the most extensive and playable toylines in history. The golden era of TMNT for many fans was from 1988 to 1995 and it 8217 that vintage era that this book aims to focus on. When you 8217 re dealing with such an expansive franchise it 8217 essential to nail down a focus and the original cartoon and movies are still regarded by many fans as the definitive TMNT. In this book author, collector and pop culture historian Matt MacNabb, who runs, examines everything from the Playmates toyline to the more obscure product offerings 8211 from fast food toys, food product, school supplies and trading cards to video games, VHS and books.

DOWNLOAD/PDF  The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been a powerhouse franchise ever since the debut of the indie comic book back in 1984. The TMNT have captivated kids and those young at heart for over thirty years now with several movies, multiple cartoon series, ongoing comics and one of the most extensive and playable toylines in history. The golden era of TMNT for many fans was from 1988 to 1995 and it 8217 that vintage era that this book aims to focus on. When you 8217 re dealing with such an expansive franchise it 8217 essential to nail down a focus and the original cartoon and movies are still regarded by many fans as the definitive TMNT. In this book author, collector and pop culture historian Matt MacNabb, who runs, examines everything from the Playmates toyline to the more obscure product offerings 8211 from fast food toys, food product, school supplies and trading cards to video games, VHS and books.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been a powerhouse franchise ever since the debut of the indie comic book back in 1984. The TMNT have captivated kids and those young at heart for over thirty years now with several movies, multiple cartoon series, ongoing comics and one of the most extensive and playable toylines in history. The golden era of TMNT for many fans was from 1988 to 1995 and it 8217 that vintage era that this book aims to focus on. When you 8217 re dealing with such an expansive franchise it 8217 essential to nail down a focus and the original cartoon and movies are still regarded by many fans as the definitive TMNT. In this book author, collector and pop culture historian Matt MacNabb, who runs, examines everything from the Playmates toyline to the more obscure product offerings 8211 from fast food toys, food product, school supplies and trading cards to video games, VHS and books.