"The sequel to Olivia De Berardinis' first book Let Them Eat Cheesecake, this mongraph contains all-new art created, primarily, in the 4 years since Olivia's cheesecake book was published. Printed in a unique format, part portrait/vertical and part landscape/horizontal, this book has 2 front covers (and no back cover). Not a gimmick, this new twist allows the horizontal art to be shown to maximum effect.

Read ebook [PDF]  The sequel to Olivia De Berardinis' first book Let Them Eat Cheesecake, this mongraph contains all-new art created, primarily, in the 4 years since Olivia's cheesecake book was published. Printed in a unique format, part portrait/vertical and part landscape/horizontal, this book has 2 front covers (and no back cover). Not a gimmick, this new twist allows the horizontal art to be shown to maximum effect.

The sequel to Olivia De Berardinis' first book Let Them Eat Cheesecake, this mongraph contains all-new art created, primarily, in the 4 years since Olivia's cheesecake book was published. Printed in a unique format, part portrait/vertical and part landscape/horizontal, this book has 2 front covers (and no back cover). Not a gimmick, this new twist allows the horizontal art to be shown to maximum effect.