社説に掲げた朝日新聞「ChinaへのUSA関税仕掛け人バイデンに喝」文明から見たタイムマシーンの | europe123 Art OFFICE

Редакционная статья Асахи Симбун «Привет Байдену за введение американских тарифов на Китай». Есть ли смысл проводить Олимпиаду из-за беспорядков в Новой Каледонии, аналогичной французской колонии? Мы предоставим понятные для людей пояснения из многочисленных статей от каждой компании. Каков был результат предсказания огромного землетрясения?
《朝日新闻》的社论“谴责拜登对中国征收关税。” 由于类似法国殖民地新喀里多尼亚的骚乱而举办奥运会还有什么意义吗? 我们将从各公司的大量文章中为人们提供易于理解的解释。 预测大地震的结果是什么?
사설에 내건 아사히 신문 「China에의 USA 관세 장치인 바이덴에 갈매」. France 식민지 동류의 뉴칼레도니아에서 폭동으로, 올림픽 개최의 의미는 있을까? 각사의 수많은 기사에서 인류로 알기 쉽게 해설을 해 나간다. 거대 지진을 예언한 결과는 어떻게··.
Asahi Shimbun's editorial ``Shout out to Biden for setting up US tariffs on China.'' Is there any point in holding the Olympics because of riots in New Caledonia, a similar French colony? We will provide easy-to-understand explanations for humans from numerous articles from each company. What was the result of predicting a huge earthquake?


الى العرب
 الرئيسية، لكنني أدرك أن إسرائيل تتمتع بالتفوق العسكري بشكل واضح.
لذلك، مهما فعلنا، ليس لدينا أعداء وهدفنا هو النجاح في إطلاق سراح الرهائن.
ومع ذلك، على الرغم من أن هناك بالفعل عشرات الآلاف من الضحايا العرب، يبدو من الواضح أن الفظائع ستستمر في ارتكابها دون إعدام إسرائيل موتنياهو أو القادة العسكريين الإسرائيليين.
وإذا واصلنا الانصياع لمطالب إسرائيل، فإن ذلك سيؤدي إلى سقوط المزيد من الضحايا.
أليس الخيار الوحيد المتبقي أمام الدول العربية هو القتال معًا؟
إذا لم تتم إعادة الرهائن، فلن تتحقق أهداف إسرائيل وسيزداد الاستياء بين الشعب الإسرائيلي.
ومن المؤسف جداً أن يزداد عدد الضحايا العرب، لكن من الطبيعي في الوقت الحاضر أن تنتهي الحرب تماماً وأن يتم إعدام المسؤولين عن الحرب من قبل الأمم المتحدة، مما يؤدي إلى قمعهم بهذه الطريقة.
ومن المثير للغضب أن تدعم الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وغيرها هذا الأمر، وإذا كان السماح للجيش الإسرائيلي بالانتصار سيؤدي إلى استعباد جميع الدول العربية، فهذا غير مقبول على الإطلاق. وهذا سلوك غير مقبول.
يجب على الدول العربية أن تتكاتف وتخرج من هذا الوضع الصعب، لكن للأسف لا توجد دولة، بما في ذلك اليابان، مستعدة لتقديم المساعدة.
ومع ذلك، وعلى الرغم من أن الحكومة اليابانية قد تقول ذلك، إلا أن هناك الكثير من الناس بين مواطنيها لا يستطيعون أن يغفروا المأساة في الدول العربية، وخاصة غزة.
أنا آسف جدًا لعدم قدرتي على تقديم المساعدة، ولكنني آمل أن يتحد الشعب العربي ولا يرضخ لأوامر إسرائيل، وألا تقع تلك الكارثة على الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل.

 To all students at universities in the USA.
A few decades ago, students protested against the government in this country as well, but their resistance consisted of petrol bombs, stones, and sticks.
Unfortunately, many people were arrested, but the student protests did not subside.
Resistance with stones or sticks is easy, and Molotov cocktails are made by filling a bottle with gasoline, and you can easily learn how to make one by looking it up on the Internet.  
Furthermore, Japanese law clearly states that police officers and police officers must fire tear gas at an upward angle of at least 45 degrees; There were also many.
Also, newspapers and TV at the time reported on the situation, but unlike today's press, it was not just about reporting.
It would never be desirable for any of you to be injured, but....

(社説)米国と中国 制裁関税よりも対話を
2024年5月16日 5時00分





 「バイデン政権 イスラエルに10億ドル以上武器売却へ 米メディア」
2024年5月16日 8時22分
 「イスラエル ネタニヤフ首相“ラファでの作戦 数週間で終わる”」・・終われば良いというものでは無い・・何万人殺害すれば気が済むのだろう・・。

 「アメリカブリンケン  ウクライナに20億ドルの追加軍事支援を発表」

 「スロバキア フィツォ首相、高齢者の銃撃を受け容体深刻 詳しい背景不明」

 「ありえない日付が… ハンセン病患者の記録にねつ造の可能性」

 「米議員の原爆発言 被団協が米大使館に撤回求め抗議文」


 「岸田首相 シンガポール新首相と電話会談 関係強化へ連携確認16時23分」










What surprised me was... ``There was still a newspaper company that could give advice to USA Biden...'' I will start with the editorial of the Asahi.
Asahi Shimbun digital serial editorial article
(Editorial) US and China: Dialogue rather than punitive tariffs
May 16, 2024 5:00

This is nothing but blatant protectionism for election purposes. It is not new for the United States, which has been a leader in free trade, to break its own rules, but this time it is flagrant. President Biden should be aware of the dangers that could cause the entire world economy to cool down.
The Biden administration has decided to impose high tariffs on imported goods such as electric vehicles (EVs) and semiconductors from China, citing "unfair trade practices." Countermeasures from China are also expected, and there are concerns that the trade war will flare up again.
Sanction tariffs on China have been imposed on various industrial and agricultural products since 2018 under the Trump administration, but the maximum was 25%. It is said that this will be raised to an unprecedented level of 100% for EVs and 50% for legacy semiconductors and solar panels.
The large amount of subsidies from the Chinese government has led to excess production capacity of Chinese companies, leading to a glut of unreasonably cheap exports. This is the rationale by which the Biden administration justifies punitive tariffs.
However, when it comes to EVs, almost none made in China are imported to the United States. It is incomprehensible to take measures that violate the principles of free trade in the name of prevention without causing any concrete damage.
Michigan, where many US automobile companies are based, and Pennsylvania, the center of steel production, are battleground states in the presidential election. It is clear that by taking a stance of protecting manufacturing jobs and playing a "tough line on China," he intends to counter Mr. Trump, who is aiming to take back power in the November presidential election.
On the other hand, it is also true that the Xi Jinping administration has waved the flag of industrial development under the banner of "Made in China 2025," and has given preferential treatment to domestic companies, such as subsidies and tax breaks.
Still, excess production capacity should be viewed as a problem with the overall structure of the Chinese economy. Investment-led growth continues with a high savings rate, and domestic consumption is weak. As a result, Chinese products are infiltrating overseas.
Furthermore, the real estate sector, which was a pillar of investment, has fallen into a slump, and the Xi administration, when it should be stimulating domestic consumption, is instead emphasizing "productivity." It is unreasonable for Mr. Xi to argue that there is no overproduction problem.
Many experts have pointed out that the fundamental measure to raise consumption in China is to narrow the gap between rich and poor, and for this purpose, for example, social security needs to be improved.
Last month, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China and just agreed to proceed with dialogue on "balanced economic growth." In this sense as well, the Biden administration's diplomacy toward China lacks consistency.
The priority should be to encourage China to reform, rather than "punishing" China for reasons of domestic politics.

For one thing, it's easier to see Biden's words as ``an old Yankee who looks like he's about to perform at a Western carnival'' as an honest assessment of Biden's words and actions.Even if you think it's pity, he's a representative of humanity's old age. This can be said to be a pattern of cases.
In general, ``memory-related disorders/diseases'' and ``inability to think about things calmly and short-tempered'' are typical examples of the aging phenomenon. It's nothing...
I've seen my friends at Keio University and other acquaintances develop similar symptoms, but...oh, I'm adding ``being obsessed with money'' to this...I'm trying to interpret this in a way that's extremely convenient for me. It is characterized by selection.
In the case of a friend of mine, when we had a meal together for about two hours on the 50th floor of the Park Hyatt in Shinjuku last year, I bought him 70,000 yen for food and drinks as a token of appreciation, saying that he had come out of the ground. but··
``My hobby is going to luxurious hotels, etc. I'd like to ride the maglev train that Kawakatsu is stopping...'' But it turned out that his financial situation was surprisingly complicated.
This is because... as for real estate assets... even in a local city, it is a 5-minute walk from Shizuoka Station... the land price is quite high... over 100 tsubo and there are two houses... so I am rich... but my father's company management. Maybe it's because of this...he seems to have bank collateral attached...but he didn't seem to want to talk about that either...I was thinking of talking about his school days...but when he refused, he said, ``...it's already past eight o'clock.'' I...I need to sleep...'' I had heard from my wife, ``...I'm getting old...'' but I felt sad that I was starting to look like a child.
I'm worried that I won't get dementia, but...Dementia is completely unknown to human medicine...It's not related to genetics...They understand how it works. However, it has no use value in civilization.
It was about Biden...he is definitely showing glimpses of the very early symptoms of dementia...
The question is...what will the future hold for the USA? This has something to do with supporting Israel, but the prophecy also states that all disasters are "...not an exception to what will occur in the next four and a half years from September of this year onwards." That could put the USA in jeopardy midway through its term."

Considering the world situation, ``The Paris Olympics are almost meaningless...It seems like they will become a joke only for athletes and people who enjoy physical education.''

In general, profligate organizations are characterized by the use of terminology that demands to show prejudice regarding the connection between China and Russia, a pattern often seen on NHK's news. ``It seems that there is a goal behind...'' ``...to counter the West...''
This is called stubbornness...and it's perfectly fine to just say, ``...partly because of the West's harassment/sanctions...the two countries decided to move forward together...''...because that's exactly the case.
However, as a prodigal institution of this country, there is something clearly wrong...if this country is the subject...it was still valid in the past...but it would be faster to count from the bottom of the world. Given the current state of this country...it is highly unworthy of such debauchery...
If we neglect only the facts and do not maintain humility, we will end up inviting disasters that are unique to this country.We are just like children after all.

From the NHK article. And Yomiuri Shimbun articles related to this have been added.
 "Biden administration to sell more than $1 billion in arms to Israel US media"
May 16, 2024 8:22am
"Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: ``Operation in Rafah will be over in a few weeks.'' It doesn't mean that it's over. They'll be satisfied if they kill tens of thousands of people.
``Israel airstrike targets school, kills 40 people, including 9 children...``There is a room where Hamas plans''''

“America Blinken announces $2 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine”

``Slovakia's Prime Minister Fizzo is in serious condition after being shot by an elderly man, details unknown.''
A republic in central Europe. The capital is Bratislava, and it borders the Czech Republic to the northwest, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, and Austria to the southwest.
In World War II, it was an Axis power along with Nazi Germany. After invading Poland, it was defeated by the USSR Red Army.
It's different from other Eastern European countries...it's a relatively Russian country.

"Impossible date... Possibility of fabrication in records of Hansen's disease patients"
Rather than the issue of this date, I would like to give some advice to the current generation of this country.
Before it was called Hansen, it was called ``Leprosy = Hansen's disease.'' The easiest to understand is... The earliest movie based on the original work by Matsumoto Seicho = ``Sand Vessel = One of Seicho's masterpieces.'' It is a masterpiece...and there is a story that Seicho himself said at a preview screening, ``...Hmm, this is wonderful...'' It is also known for the great performances of Yoshi Kato, Tsuyoshi Kato, Ken Ogata, Tetsuro Tanba, Kensaku Morita, and Yoko Shimada, who is also known for France.
In fact, this is a wonderful work that Seicho wanted to tell the truth about such discrimination, because at the time, the disease was hated as an unmanageable disease that caused the nose to fall due to infection.
Before the war, Yuji Onoe's mother had a grave for her ancestors at Honmonji Temple in Ota Ward, the eastern head temple of the Nichiren Sect, so when she went to visit it, there were large stone steps... Sitting in a row from top to bottom in the corner were patients with Hansen's disease.
The temple is huge... It is home to Rikidozan and at one time the grave of the famous actor Ichikawa Raizo... There is also a five-storied pagoda... A few minutes walk from Ikegami Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line... On the way there is the famous "Warabi Mochiya" There are so many things to do, so you can enjoy the rare taste of the Showa era... because the train fare is cheap, and it's perfect for a short trip to visit a shrine.

"U.S. Congressman's Atomic Bomb Remarks: Hidankyo Requests U.S. Embassy to Retract Protest"

"Two Chinese suspects arrested for forgery such as My Number Cards"
``Actually, this card... at some decent private hospitals... they also have insurance union posters pasted on them. Yes, it is clearly stated that ``...Our insurance association opposes the government's MynaCard.If the MynaCard is lost, personal information will be leaked and it can be easily accessed illegally. We will treat you with your health insurance card.
It can be said that this article shows that exactly as the warning came true...''

"Prime Minister Kishida has telephone conversation with Singapore's new prime minister and confirms cooperation to strengthen relations" 16:23
This man is full of entertainment abroad, but as he himself said in the past, ``I didn't want to be a politician...I loved literature.''In fact, he has the ability to be a prime minister. I can't say this in a flattering way, but today's Liberal Democratic Party is full of people like Aso who are connected to their parents.This country's politics are the worst. It can be said that this is the most obvious manifestation of the fact that we have reached a situation like this.

If NHK doesn't come up with ideas like this, it won't work (lol).

From Yomiuri Shimbun.

"Toshiba cuts up to 4,000 jobs domestically... Restructuring under JIP"
Following the discontinuation of Sharp's liquid crystal display...the company's pros and cons are extreme...
“President Putin signs the ``Foreign Agents'' bill... making it possible to exclude anti-regime factions from elections.''
The real meaning of this is ``to prevent domestic disturbances by foreign intelligence agencies, especially the USA/CIA and the UK's MI6...'' I don't think the average person would understand... (lol)

 On the other hand...the articles in the Mainichi Shimbun are terrible...
Surprisingly, Kishida said, ``Do your best...'' It's too absurd, but... the capital is Moro TBS Holdings.

Well, I'm running out of time, so here's the last article...
This is a perfect example of something that happened because the prophet completely ignored what he had been saying for a long time.
“...Stocks are continuing to record new records, but why is the economy at rock bottom?”
A prophet said this...
"...Investing is nothing but gambling..."
``...We have entered an era where stocks and the economy are not linked at all...Stocks will be fine for a while...but if you make money for the year, wait and see...continue like this...However... Natural disasters and the collapse of the triple bubble are sure to occur in the four and a half years from September, so be careful...”






「by europe123」