The rain started in this early morning. The rain had been pouring in the morning. The rain stopped in the afternoon. However, the heavy rain is forecasted from this evening through tomorrow. The stormy weather is forecasted for tomorrow, unfortunately... 傘曇り

When I tried to start the washing machine in this morning, I found two swallowtail butterfly caterpillars which were ready to be the chrysalises on the wall of the external sink which was situated just side by the washing machine... えー

When I saw those 2 caterpillars last time in late yesterday afternoon, one of them was walking around quite fast. Another was resting motionless. Both had walked to the washing machine area during last night and had decided the places to be the chrysalises. Ironically, both seemed leaving the small cumquat tree in my yard almost together and ended side by side... 爆  笑

As the sink wall is slippery with the mosaic tiling, I fixed the sponges over the caterpillars to help them to hang when they emerge. Let’s see in 10 days’ time... ちょうちょ

The other caterpillars on the tree were waiting the rainy weather ends. The caterpillars never leave the tree while the weather is not very good... おねがい

We had the plastic recycling rubbish collection in this rainy morning. Although the wind was quite strong, as the rain was not heavy, I could manage to tidy the rubbish bags at our collection point. However, tomorrow morning will be a big problem. The heavy rain, even stormy is forecasted around the rubbish time when the residents take their rubbish bags out. Hopefully, the forecast will not be correct. We need to take our rubbish bag out too. Let’s pray the best... お願い

Well..., I was just ok, even in the miserable weather... キョロキョロ

"...もやもや" あしあと