The rain started earlier than forecasted. It has been rainy since 6:30 in this morning. The amount of the rain has been minimal though. The temperature might not reach 20 degrees. However, as the humidity has been quite high, it is still felt quite warm. The rain may last until tomorrow midday. It may be heavy from time to time as well... 傘

Rio Takeda just managed to win at Bridgestone Ladies Open tournament in Chiba in this afternoon. Rio managed 5 birdies in her front 9. At that moment, she had 4 shots lead over Yui Kawamoto who had not improved her score since yesterday. While Rio bogeyed at the 10th, Miyuu Yamashita managed 3 consecutive birdies from the 11th and came to 3 shots off the lead with Yui. However, the gap had never shortened after that, even though both Miyuu and Yui made the birdies at the last 18th. The winning score was 14 under par which was 2 shots better than both girls in the end... クラッカー

Naruha Miyata managed today’s best of 66 today with an eagle, 5 birdies and a bogey. She finished the tournament at tied 7th with 6 under par... 拍手

Even though Hana Lee made 2 birdies, she also made 2 bogeys for her round 72. She could not chase the leaders at all. She finished at tied 5th with 7 under par... 拍手

Kotone Hori started with 2 birdies. However, she made 4 bogeys after that. Even though she managed 2 birdies at the 15th and 16th, she scored even par today for finishing at tied 15th with 4 under par. It was not brilliant. However, she played well in this week... 拍手

Hikaru Yoshimoto managed an Ace at the 8th today. She made 5 birdies on top of that with 4 bogeys for her round 69. She climbed up a bit to finish at tied 23rd with 1 under par... 拍手

The Tour moves to Hyogo for Resort Trust Ladies. All Kotone, Rachel, Naruha, Hikaru and Hana have entered in this tournament... ゴルフ

Well..., I was just ok for today... 口笛

"...ルンルン" あしあと