It was a very nice sunny day today. Although the temperature might reach 27 degrees, as the humidity has been low, it was comfortably warm, never hot at all. Unfortunately, the weather is deteriorating already, and the rain may start in the late tomorrow afternoon... 太陽

I have found two quite big green coloured swallowtail butterfly caterpillars on the small cumquat tree in my yard. I did not realise that the caterpillars have grown so fast. Of course, I did not check the black coloured caterpillars which so many of them are currently on the tree. The first generation in this year of the swallowtail butterflies will be seen very soon... ちょうちょ

The 3rd day of Bridgestone Ladies Open in Chiba has been completed. Yui Kawamoto is leading the pack after scoring 68 today. The leading score is 11 under par. Leo Takeda who could not improve her score at all today is only 1 shot back. Miyuu Yamashita with 8 under par completes the final group tomorrow... ゴルフ

Hana Lee had another perfect round with 5 birdies today is at the 4th chasing her 2nd title with 7 under par. Kotone Hori managed 5 birdies with 3 bogeys for her round 70 today is at the 10th with 4 under par which is a bit too far behind from the leader to chase the title... 炎

Naruha Miyata might have a patient round of 73 today with only a bogey. She is at the 29th with even par for the tournament. Hikaru Yoshimoto made 4 birdies and 4 bogeys each for her round 72 today. She is at the 41st with 2 over par... 炎

Still, a handful players have the chance for winning tomorrow. It will be very exciting indeed... ゴルフ

Miho Mori finished the tournament at tied 57th at Twin Fields Ladies Tournament in Ishikawa today. It was not brilliant, but she played very well in this week, as I am sure... 拍手

Well..., although I was quite busy today, I was ok for today... ウインク

"...ルンルン" あしあと