The rain finally started to fall. It was cloudy with the strong south easterly wind today. The temperature might just exceed 20 degrees. However, as the humidity has been high, it was quite sticky. The stormy weather is forecasted through tonight and tomorrow morning. The rain may stop in tomorrow afternoon... 曇り傘

Unfortunately, we have the household rubbish collection in tomorrow morning. The worst period is forecasted when all residents take their rubbish bags out. I will try my best. But it will definitely be very difficult to sort all rubbish bags out in the stormy weather condition... えーん

Even though we cannot see from the ground, there are some swallow chicks on the nest at the traffic junction nearby. The stormy weather tonight may cause some damages onto the nest, as the south easterly wind seems strong with the heavy rain. Hopefully, the nest with the chicks will survive... お願い

On the JLPGA Tour front, RKB x Mitsui Matsushima Ladies tournament will start on this Friday. It will be another exciting one... ゴルフ

I will need to go for a shopping trip to the town by my pushbike soon. I have not scheduled it yet. I may need to wait the current weather settled down... キョロキョロ

Well..., even though I feel tired, I was ok for today... ニコニコ

"...もやもや" あしあと