It was a hazy sunshine day today. As the temperature might exceed 20 degrees, it was a warm day as well. A clear dry sunny day is forecasted for tomorrow. It seems much warmer than today as well... 太陽曇り

My new main laptop is nearly ready to use, as the setting up is almost completed. I need to set up OUTLOOK. And the OUTLOOK data has to be transferred from the old HDD which was on my dead laptop. I have already tested the connection by using the SATA-USB cable between the laptop and the old HDD. It works fine. I will have to transfer the big data from the old backup external HDD to the brand new external HDD as well when my new main laptop starts. The old backup external HDD has a defect on the connection port. Therefore, before it completely dies, I need to move most of the data from there to safer new external HDD... パソコン

On the JLPGA Tour front, KTT Cup Vanteline Ladies Open in Kumamoto will start tomorrow. Kotone Hori will play with Mayu Hamada and Fumika Kawagishi tomorrow. Naruha Miyata will play with Junna Okuyama and Lara Anai. Hana Lee will play with Hina Aragaki and Karen Tsuruoka. Hikaru Yoshimoto will play with Haruka Morita and Saiki Fujita. Rachel Usui is off in this week, by the way. It could be fun again... ゴルフ

In this warm condition, a friendly Japanese White Wagtail had visited my yard often today to beg the foods. The bird had not showed up for a week. I wonder why it visited again. There must be many bugs flying around at everywhere nowadays... えー

Well..., I was just ok for today... グラサン

"...ルンルン" あしあと