The rain has been pouring without a break throughout today. The rain has been sometimes heavy as well. However, as the temperature has been around 13, 14 degrees for all day long, it was a mild day. The rain seems stopping during tonight, and the cloudy weather with some sunny periods is forecasted for tomorrow. The early morning seems mild again as well... 傘

When I popped in our local beach in this morning, the sea was rough. I had not seen such rough sea for ages. The strong south easterly wind over the Pacific might have caused the rough sea... 波

Luckily, the weather seems fair tomorrow. I will be able to go for a short shopping trip to the local supermarket by my pushbike without a weather issue. Even though the shopping trip may be a short one, I do not like to pedal in the rain... ウインク

I could have the cold shower in this morning, as the room temperature exceeded the certain temperature in this early morning. It was refreshing and comfortable, as I have not been able to have the cold shower since the early December... ニコニコ

There may be some freezing cold mornings in the end of this month. However, the milder mornings will increase in March, as I am sure... アップ

Well..., even though I am sleepy, I was ok for today... ニコニコ

"...もやもや" あしあと