It was mainly cloudy today. There were many drizzling periods as well. Without the sunlight, the temperature might not reach double digits. Although the overnight rain is forecasted, the amount of the rain may be minimal. Although there may be quite many clouds in the sky, a sunny day with the quite strong north westerly wind is forecasted for tomorrow... 曇り

Even though I could manage all things which I scheduled today, I have not been feeling quite well. The lower temperature may have caused my quite bad condition... ダウン

January is ending. As the bitterly cold days, especially in the early mornings have been continuing, I rather want to end January and February as fast as possible. Otherwise, my body does not function properly... えーん

I will pop in the local supermarket on Friday morning to buy some more foods. As I have visited the supermarkets quite often recently, I wonder what foods I have to buy. I will not go for the next trip for a while though... てへぺろ

The new TV service firm may call tomorrow to arrange the cabling work in my place. As the existing cable may be able to be used, there should not be a problem. Let’s see... ニコニコ

Well..., I have been feeling dodgy recently. Hopefully, I will recover soon... ダウン

"...zzz" あしあと