Although it was yet again a bitterly cold early morning, it was sunny throughout today. The temperature might manage just over 10 degrees as the chilly north westerly wind had been still quite strong. A milder and calmer sunny day is forecasted for tomorrow, even though the early morning seems freezing cold again... 太陽雪の結晶

Around 20 crows were gathering in this early morning, and they made loud sounds on the electric pole and wires. Even though such gathering can be seen from time to time, I wondered what they were doing and what for. The crows stayed only half an hour or so and disappeared. There are the big colonies in the huge rice field area nearby, and more than 200 crows have been living at there for years. Those 20 crows in this morning definitely came from the colony. The crows did not come together. A few of them flew in and were making the loud noises. Then, a few more joined, and on... びっくり

A couple of brown eared bulbuls had visited my yard so often today from the dawn till the dusk. They cleared whatever edible were available on the bird foods tray. The sparrows had no chance to eat some... 爆  笑

As the bulbul’s body is quite big, the birds need to keep eating as much as possible to survive the winter months... おねがい

According to the latest weather forecast, the weather on Friday seems fair. As I have to go to the local supermarket on Friday morning, hopefully, the forecast will not be changed... お願い

Well..., I just survived in this morning. I am getting better as well. Without pushing too hard, I just keep going... 口笛

"...zzz" あしあと