There was a light rain period in the early hours of this morning. As the rain stopped, and the clouds moved away before the sunrise time, the temperature dropped sharply towards the sunrise. Yes, it was another bitterly cold morning. There have been many clouds coming from the west sending by the very chilly strong north westerly wind. Even though the temperature might reach 7, 8 degrees, it was never felt mild as such with the very chilly strong wind continuously blowing. As the strong cold wave from the north seems coming down towards tomorrow, another very chilly dry sunny day with the very chilly strong north westerly wind is forecasted for tomorrow. The early tomorrow morning temperature seems plummeting sub-zero as well... 曇り雪の結晶

I have recovered from my bad health condition last week. However, I have to face yet another tough bitterly cold period. Hopefully, I will cope with it... えーん

The tax return business has progressed a bit today. I am still waiting an important certificate to be issued from a government office. When it is issued, I will be able to make the tax return form online... キョロキョロ

I will have to go for a food shopping trip again soon. However, the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks seems not brilliant at all. There may be some rainy days, some windy days, and generally bitterly cold. Hopefully, the forecast will be changed... お願い

All wild birds are surviving in this harsh winter. Their foods are very scarce nowadays. The provided foods are emptied so fast. Even the birds are fighting to eat them. Hopefully, all wild birds will survive... おねがい

Well..., I was ok for today, as I am taking things carefully and slowly after recovering from my bad health last week. But I will face another tough early mornings... えーん

"...もやもや" あしあと