As the temperature might merely reach 5, 6 degrees today, it was a freezing cold day. The very chilly north westerly wind has been very strong as forecasted. However, it has been mainly sunny. The sub-zero temperature is forecasted in the early hours of tomorrow through tomorrow morning. It may be a bit milder tomorrow, as the chilly north westerly wind seems a bit calmer. But a sunny day is forecasted... 太陽雪の結晶

Many of my joints started to ache in this cold condition. I took a break in this morning after my early morning exercise. All aches have been milder. However, I need to be very careful when I move my body. No over stretch and the good posture at all the time are very important during the harsh winter months until March... えーん

I will have to deal with the rubbish collections tomorrow and on Tuesday mornings in the freezing condition. The wind seems keeping strong. However, it may be calmer than today. It will be very important, especially on Monday when the light plastic recycling rubbish bags are collected. Hopefully, everything will be ok... プンプン

As I mentioned above, I took a half day off. Afterwards, it is quite difficult to get myself back to normal routine. I need to try hard to get back, especially in the freezing cold condition. I will try my best... プンプン

As I did not go out to my yard today, I did not see our sparrows. However, their foods which I left on the pavement last night have been disappeared... おねがい

Well..., apart from my aching joints and dodgy left arm, I am ok for today. I will fight against the freezing cold morning... プンプン

"...もやもや" あしあと