Quneitra is a ghost town just inside the disputed Golan Heights, and is under the control of Syria, with UN observers. The town, or, more accurately, what remains of the erstwhile town, is in the same state it was on the day that the Israeli army pulled out after the Yom Kippur War.





You require a special permit from the Syrian Ministry of the Interior in Damascus to visit Quneitra, but this is quite easy to obtain (all that is required is your passport details), and it is free. Getting there from Damascus by public transport is a different story, however, requiring at least three packed to the gills mini-bus transfers despite being only 40 or so kilometers from Damascus.





It is all worth it, though. The place is, unsurprisingly, deserted, save for the odd UN truck rumbling by, and really gives you an up-close and personal look at a former war zone. You are also accompanied by a guide (a Syrian government official) for free. Our guide spoke little or no English, but he got his point across and was quite nice. One interesting thing we noticed is that there is a large, newly built restaurant in the town. We saw no customers about, and wondered to whom this place caters. The guide didn’t understand our question. We supposed that it may support tourists such as us, but from the time we arrived until the time a bus finally came to pick us up (some 2~3 hours), we noticed only a handful of private cars. Go figure.





Speaking of having to wait some time for the bus, here again we experienced some terrific Syrian hospitality. The desert can be a chilly place in October. This is especially so when there is a good wind, which there happened to be on the day we visited. Unfortunately, we did not prepare for this when we left Damascus, leaving our jackets in our hotel. After our tour about Quneitra, we were waiting shivering by a checkpoint post for the next public mini-bus. But no sooner had an official noticed us from a building opposite that were we offered tea, a place to site, and the jacket off the back of the same official. And while we can’t be certain, we have a strong suspicion that this official put a call into someone so that we would not have to wait as long as we otherwise would have on such an unfrequented route.





Oh, and just a note for those who may be interested in making the trip to Quneitra: do not accept an offer by the mini-bus driver to take you on the tour in the mini-van “so that you don’t have to walk”. A Syrian official always accompanies you, and if you have no car, the official should take you, as he did us, in a car at least to the centre and then again to the checkpoint-for free.

